Custom Combination Discipline / Technique

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 12XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Dominate 3
Fortitude 3
MET Mechanics:

rants the user a supernatural retest, follows rules of might, for all dominate challenges. Must be learned from it's Creator Alexander Johnson.

Date of Archival: 20-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 6XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Auspex 3
Dominate 3
MET Mechanics:

Vampires who follow the Path of Death and the Soul seeks to gain power and knowledge from their studies of the dead.  They spend many of their waking hours in occult research and study of the soul itself.  Many of the path find the dead offer great knowledge and insight.  It is upon this concept this combination discipline was developed.  Members of the path channel their connection to the dead to steal their knowledge for a time to empower themselves.

System:  The character with combination discipline may activate it with the cost of 1 willpower trait for the next scene or an hour.  During that time they gain the Mental Traits Cunning, Clever, and Insidious.

This combination discipline only works if the character is on Path of Death and the Soul.

Date of Archival: 16-Dec-2022
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 7XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Akhu 2
Auspex 3
MET Mechanics:

The flow of magic is often subtle and even wise Witches have failed to figure out puzzles on pure ability alone. By touching the object, person, or location that has been subjected to a use of some form magic (blood magic, spheres, hedge and so on) the witch may channel the second sight with a focus on the magic itself - by expending a mental trait the user may ask the narrator one of the following questions, requiring a truthful answer: What type of magic was used, what was the intended effect of the magic used, and how powerful a magical effect was used. This does not allow the Witch to know who used the magic, the name of the effect used - no path or ritual names, nor the duration of the magical effect. 

Date of Archival: 15-Feb-2020
Followers of Set, Followers of Set
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 11XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Protean 5
Ogham 4
MET Mechanics:

Combination Name: Woadling's Form

Prereqs: Protean 5, Ogham 4, Merit: Totemic Change
XP Cost: 11

The rare kindred who has learned the powers of both Magda and Ennoia's brood becomes more in sync with her form as she can feel the aspects of nature itself flow through her veins.

System: By spending two additional Blood over the required amount (if this cost exceeds generational limits, it may take multiple rounds to complete) the user may evoke one increased effect (and only one) when using a shapeshifting power. Woad glyphs briefly appear and then fade.  These effects could be 2 additional traits, 1 additional damage, 1 additional health level, 1 additional step or other minor modifications at ST discretion. (cat eyes for low light vision, frogs ability to leap, etc.)  The user can only benefit from one alteration at any given time. Forms altered in such a way cause the user's aura to seem more vibrant, stronger. For those who can detect a beast, the user's beast seems stronger, regardless of the truth of the matter.  The bonus from this alteration does not exceed bid/gen cap.

Date of Archival: 20-Jan-2021
Gangrel, Gangrel, Gangrel
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 6XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Fortitude 1
Animalism 1
MET Mechanics:

This is being recorded although not necessary as this is for Werewolf and Not Vampire.  (THIS IS A WEREWOLF GIFT AND THEREFOR DOES NOT HAVE A DISCIPLINE PRE-REQUISIT.  A PRE-REQUISIT WAS CHOSEN AS I HAD NO OTHER CHOICE). 

After seeing how Domestic Seeming allowed City lupus to blend in with homids Red understanding the effect his homid appearance causes in cities took it apon himself to find way to allow Red talons no mater what form they take to enter city yet not be forced to appear as domestic dogs. Working for 2 years to understand nature of monkey puzzle and this gift he finally worked with Griffin to develope this gift.



Wolf in Sheeps clothing
1 Gn
Taught by Griffin/Coyote

Once activated features will change to allow the users to blend in to humans that the Garou is around. They need to be around Mortals in visible range to activate. Cannot be done alone. The gift removes any rage eminations, They will appear human no mater what form to Humans/Animals/spirts Electronic cameras.
Last for 1 hour + 1hr/Social trait spent.
Supernatural that Attempt activally try to see thru the effect using Auspice/Heighten senses can make check verses Garous Social traits. (Note they must be trying to see something not just looking they will not be alerted to make check as its just another Sheep in the crowd.)

Date of Archival: 29-Jan-2015
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 10XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Auspex 4
Dementation 5
MET Mechanics:
This discipline creates a mini madness network with ghouls that the Malkavian has.  
Downside: the ghouls of this Malkavian need to have a derangement.  If they do not, the ghoul gains "Schizophrenic" while ghouled to this Malkavian.
Free actions: Sense the general distance and direction to any ghoul and their general state at any range.
Simple Challenge: Sense a ghouls surface thoughts and have basic communication with them at any range. This communication is filtered through their derangement (so yes, the ghoul hears voices in their head)
Spend one temporary point of the Malkavian Time ability to use any one Dementation or Auspex power on one of the ghouls. The ghoul can use the power by throwing chops with their own stats and abilities. Any blood requirements must be expended by the ghoul. Obviously Word of Mouth can only be used by a Kindred with the Malkavian Time ability.
Date of Archival: 29-Jun-2017
Malkavian , Malkavian
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 6XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Dominate 3
Auspex 3
MET Mechanics:

Certain Tremere know the truth that words have power within them.  The Tremere often believe the very fabric of reality is written in language.  With this potent knowledge and key phrases the Tremere vampire locks them deep within their mom.  With focus and time the Tremere can tap into this knowledge gain an expertise in their mental acuity for a time.

System: The Tremere spends 1 blood trait to activate this power for the next scene or an hour.  During that time the Tremere player gains 3 retests to use on any Thaumaturgy challenge.  Once called upon these retests are lost and this power may not be stacked or activated again in the same scene. A retest used on this challenge may only be called upon once per challenge.  This combination Discipline may only be learned by members of the Tremere Clan.

Date of Archival: 01-Nov-2023
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 7XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Dementation 2
Auspex 5
Custom Discipline Requirements (Combination): Discipline XX.2: Peripheral Vision
MET Mechanics:

Many Malkavians consider their derangements a boon rather then a burden, claiming that it offers them benefits that others just do not understand. This techinique is one bit of proof that perhaps the madmen are not wrong. By opening their conciousness to the Astral Realm, the bearer of this power is able to create astral manifestations of his own derangements. These manifestations take on visual avatars that are representative of their origin derangement (i.e. the derangement of Crimson Rage may show as an angry ball of fire whereas depression may show as a dark, murky cloud).

System: When the bearer of this power enters the Astral Realm, he may opt to activate this power. When activated, the character may choose up to 5 derangements afflicting them. These derangements manifest around his astral form as astral spirits. These spirits have 3 willpower of their own (which, being astral creatures, this serves as their health as well) and 5 mental traits. The creatures may perform minor errands for their master, ferrying messages back and forth, relaying the most basic of information back to their owner or carrying simple messages to others. As they have 3 willpower, they may manifest into the physical world ever so briefly to convey/receive short messages. They may also be sent to investigate other areas and report back the most basic of details to their master (for instance, they might be able to count a number of people present at a location, but they wouldn't be able to recognize specific features of the individuals). Commanding the spirits requires but a thought from the controller, as they are extentions of his own psyche and will.

Should a character's minion be destroyed, the derangement flares to existence within the character. The derangement becomes immediately active for the remaind of the scene or an hour (whichever comes first) and the character cannot expend willpower to surpress it. Additionally, the character's minions may not remain active once the character leaves Astral Projection.

Date of Archival: 31-Oct-2017
Malkavian , Malkavian
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 7XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Dementation 3
Auspex 5
Animalism 2
Custom Discipline Requirements (Combination): XX.3.25 Madness Minions
MET Mechanics:

At this point, the controller has learned to greatly increase the efficacy of his minions and has learned to grant them a greater depth of talent.

System: Mininos made from XX.3: Madness Minions are now upgraded and receive 5 willpower instead of 3 and they also have the Ability: Investigation x2. In addition to the tasks listed in XX.3: Madness Minions, these creations may now aid their master in astral combat. Should they be so insturcted, they may attack a target that is in the Astral Plane/High Umbra (they may not attack targets in any other realm). They attack using their own traits and, upon a successful hit, they do not cause damage, but instead cause the target to gain the Negative Mental trait Oblivious. Multiple attacks from these mininos do stack up to 5 times.

Alternately, if the storytellers prefer a simpler system, each minion will provide the master with +2 traits in astral combat and one bonus "armor" level of health.

Date of Archival: 31-Oct-2017
Malkavian , Malkavian
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 25XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Auspex 5
Custom Discipline Requirements (Combination): Discipline XX.5: Beyond the Horizon
MET Mechanics:

Discipline XX.5: Beyond the Horizon and Sensory Overload

(Custom Content only allowed for one Combo prereq to be added).


Sensory Overload allows a Malkavian to forcibly project their Auspex powers upon another unwilling victim.  However, it only makes the target believe they have projected their consciousness into the Astral Realm.  This power enhances that talent and actually forces the target into the Astral Realm.

System:  The Malkavian spends one willpower and one blood trait to enact this power.  He then engages his target in a Social Challenge (retest with Empathy). If successful, the victim's spirit is forced out of their body as though they had activated the power of Psychic Projection (whether they have the power or not). If the victim does not possess Psychic Projection, they are extremely limited in what they can do while in this state. The victim must remain within line of sight of their body, they cannot use other disciplines (even those that are normally allowed while using Psychic Projection), they cannot spend a Willpower to manifest, and they cannot return to their body. If the victim already possesses Psychic Projection, then all of the normal rules of Psychic Projection now apply to the victim of this power, save they are unable to return to their body of their own volition.  They remain forced out of their body for the remainder of the scene or an hour, whichever comes first.  They may move about the astral realm, use levels of Auspex or do whatever else they would be normally permitted to do while using Psychic Projection.  Should their body be attacked and damaged to the point where it would enter torpor or expend Aegis, the victim may choose to immediately return to their body.  If they choose not to, and their body is destroyed, they will remain in Astral until the next Sunrise (as per Psychic Projection).

Note: As this power is similar in mechanics to Necromancy: Soul Steal, any house rules typically applied to Soul Steal should similarly be considered to be applied to this power.

Date of Archival: 11-May-2015
