Council Voting Report

Here is a summary of chronicle voting participation for the past 6 months:
% Responses# Chronicles
85% or higher0
75.1% - 85%0
60.1% - 75%0
50.1% - 60%6
40.1% - 50%18
30.1% - 40%18
20.1% - 30%16
10.1% - 20%17
Less than 10%37

This is an overview of how often each chronicle has voted:

Chronicle / Vote CategoryAverage Attendance
(From Last Archivist Report)
Date of Last Archivist ReportBylaw Revision
Chronicle Admission
Coordinator Elections (Special)
Genre Packet
R&U Submission
Global/Meta Plot
Other Public
Other Private
Voting %
Allentown, PA - USA, Steel Valley by Night15Jan-06-2025162322318146%
Alto Tietê, SP - Brazil, Sang Royal20Feb-27-202451001000110%
Ann Arbor, MI - USA, Tower of Broken Glass20Dec-30-202481311106127%
Annapolis, MD - USA, Vitae Aeternus30Jan-03-20251304211010139%
Atlanta, GA - USA, Whispers of Atlanta10Jul-04-202461421004123%
Baltimore, MD - USA, Dark Harbor25Jul-09-202470312007024%
Bartow, FL - USA, Polk County Prophecies8Jan-14-20251704223111150%
Berkeley, CA - USA, Wasting the Dawn12Jul-23-202492412117033%
Bloomington, IL - USA, Zephyr of Darkness15Jan-03-2025151222207038%
Boston, MA - USA, Reclaimed17Jul-06-2024904012110134%
Bradenton, FL - USA, Chaos & Entropy8Jan-04-2025131301209137%
Brasília, DF - Brazil, Caldas Novas10Jan-26-2025100111113123%
Brasília, DF - Brazil, Pacis Aeternae15Feb-05-20250000000000%
Bridgeport, CT - USA, Bridgeport by Night: The Broken City12Feb-03-20251223021112141%
Cambridge, MA - USA, The Midnight Rose20Feb-03-20251523123110146%
Campinas, SP - Brazil, Império das Cinzas10Jan-08-202582202016026%
Cape Cod, MA - USA, Rage Across the Cape8Jul-08-20244000020007%
Cedar Rapids, IA - USA, Five Nights1Jan-15-202580201003118%
Chicago, IL - USA, Dark Requiem15Jan-07-20251423123112148%
Chicago, IL - USA, New Moon Rising15Feb-03-20251000100104%
Chicago, IL - USA, Prey to Predator8Jul-09-20241312112011139%
Cincinnati, OH - USA, Rage and Fury15Feb-01-20251724223213156%
Cincinnati, OH - USA, Shadows of Cincinnati15Mar-06-202421310117121%
Clarksburg, WV - USA, Echoes of Silent Valleys8Jan-16-20255000010109%
Cleveland, OH - USA, An Uncertain Destiny12Jan-11-202560001002011%
Cleveland, OH - USA, Carpe Noctum20Jul-22-202462211117026%
Cleveland, OH - USA, Heartland Alliance5Sep-29-20240000000000%
Columbus, OH - USA, Columbus in Darkness40Feb-01-2025913121013138%
Columbus, OH - USA, Wyld Prophets25Jan-04-20254000000207%
Curitiba, PR - Brazil, Curitiba By Night26Aug-14-2024152322309145%
Dayton, OH - USA, Dying Embers10Jan-18-20251204221113043%
Decatur, IL - USA, The Chaos Within25Feb-04-20251614223113152%
Denver, CO - USA, Front Range Sabbat0Aug-01-20240000000000%
Dois Vizinhos, PR - Brazil, The Kingdom by Night - Immortal Royalty2Jun-01-20240000000000%
Dubuque, IA - USA, Kingdom of Ashes15Jul-11-2024141202205133%
Duluth, MN - USA, Thicker than Blood25Jan-15-202510000008112%
Edwardsville, IL - USA, Caught in Eternal Twilight5Jul-12-202450220112016%
Fargo, ND - USA, Within Shadow's Reach12Jan-08-2025101000100015%
Fortaleza, CE - Brazil, Land of The Sun30Jan-08-20250000000202%
Fredericksburg, VA - USA, Caine's Chosen: Liberty in Death12Feb-08-202540312201016%
Gainesville, FL - USA, Won't Back Down8Jul-31-20240000000000%
Gary, IN - USA, Shattered Souls6Jul-02-202430101004011%
Gimli, MB - Canada, Sang Nordique0Jun-17-202460001007118%
Grady, GA - USA, Whispers of Grady10Sep-24-20241503212113146%
Green Bay, WI - USA, Shattered Dreams7Jul-04-202440201110011%
Griffin, GA - USA, Immortal Nights Theater10Sep-23-20241403212112144%
Hartford, CT - USA, Dark Colony0Jul-14-2024120312318138%
Indianapolis, IN - USA, Past is Prologue0May-31-20240000000000%
João Pessoa, PB - Brazil, Eternal Shadows15Sep-24-20242020000016%
Joinville, SC - Brazil, Danse Macabre11Jan-07-202540220002113%
Kenosha, WI - USA, Memento Mori0Jan-07-20251203023012140%
La Crosse, WI - USA, The Rivers Edge15Nov-18-20241312012012139%
Lancaster, OH - USA, Mountains Dark Heart15Dec-04-2024152421308043%
Lancaster, OH - USA, Never Ending Nights15Jul-31-20241512223111146%
Lexington, KY - USA, Panders Playground8Jul-04-202490210107126%
Lisbon, Lisbon - Portugal, Eternal Cursed Darkness10Aug-02-20241021100017%
Londrina, PR - Brazil, Blood and Vendetta20Jul-15-202480111102118%
Los Angeles, CA - USA, Dark Side of the Moon15Oct-02-202482212019132%
Los Angeles, CA - USA, La Sangre De Los Angeles9Feb-05-202510201003110%
Macon, GA - USA, Stolen Hours8Aug-01-202460311004120%
Madison, Wi - USA, Black Crusade15Sep-24-2024702020011128%
Maldonado - Uruguay, Maldonado by Night: Magus et Artifex10Jul-12-202440202000111%
Marquette, MI - USA, Shattered Tears over Rural Michigan10Jul-09-202470311118027%
Martinsburg, WV - USA, Martinsburg by Night5Dec-10-20240000000000%
Milwaukee, WI - USA, Nocturnal Rapture40Jul-23-20241202022010135%
Minneapolis, MN - USA, Swift to Shed Blood20Jul-09-20241102112011135%
Mossoro, RN - Brazil, Mossoro by Night4Aug-06-202450222315126%
Mt. Dora, FL - USA, Mutual Alliance7Jan-25-20251002112011134%
Nashville, IN - USA, Tea With Dragons0May-31-202480201103120%
Natal, RN - Brazil, Legacy of Blood15Jan-10-20252000000115%
New Rochelle, NY - USA, Seasons of Strange5Jan-03-2025110422118137%
New York City, NY - USA, Kings of New York30Jan-03-20251714223113154%
Northern Virginia, VA - USA, Night Falls8Dec-28-2024141312118139%
Norwalk, CT - USA, Rails of Revolution0Jan-27-2025162322018143%
Orland Park, IL - USA, Enigmas of Rage35Jan-07-202570310006021%
Ouro Preto, MG - Brazil, Dying of the Light19Jun-17-20241414222110145%
Peoria, IL - USA, The Far Dawn6Mar-20-202440000204012%
Peoria, IL - USA, The Shattered Mirror15Jan-04-202590110107124%
Philadelphia, PA - USA, Honor in the Shadows35Aug-12-202470100011113%
Phoenix, AZ - USA, Unchained Arizona10Jul-08-20241102020013135%
Plainfield, IL - USA, Obsidian Shadows0Dec-31-20240000000000%
Portland, ME - USA, Blackened Veins10Apr-02-202450201000010%
Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil, Solo Doentio25Sep-27-20242020200019%
Providence, RI - USA, Hidden Flame10Sep-24-20240000000000%
Recife, PE - Brazil, Pernambuco by Night: Forever Haunted4Mar-29-20232010100117%
Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil, City of Wonders25Jan-08-20252000000002%
Rio Grande, RS - Brazil, Sobre a Areia Sempre Hostil10Jul-12-202440111000110%
Rio Grande, RS - Brazil, Uruguaiana By Night – Susurros de la Oscuridad15Jul-08-202430202000110%
Rockland, NY - USA, Under The Rock8Jul-15-202460201205020%
Rohnert Park, CA - USA, Shadows Crossing20Jan-11-20251203203112141%
Sacramento, CA - USA, Sacramento By Night10Feb-02-2025140302306034%
Saint Paul, MN - USA, Obsidian Towers25Jan-09-20251500022013140%
Salvador, BA - Brazil, Veritas Salvatore15Sep-24-20240020100015%
San Antonio, TX - USA, Libertatis Cunabula52Jan-04-2025131321319040%
San Francisco, CA - USA, Always Comes Evening10Nov-30-2024110212206029%
São Paulo, SP - Brazil, São Paulo by Night28Jul-25-202480201115123%
Sheboygan, WI - USA, Blood on the Lake10Jan-09-20251000000001%
Springfield, IL - USA, Capitol City Cauldron10Feb-05-20250000000000%
Springfield, OH - USA, Ohio Knights Sabbat12Jul-16-2024131422308141%
St. Augustine, FL - USA, On Haunted Ground18Jan-04-202540301107121%
St. Louis, MO - USA, Shadows of St. Louis12Aug-08-20240000000000%
Stockton, CA - USA, Stockton by Night8Feb-02-20251404123013146%
Tampa, FL - USA, Orlando: Magic Kingdom5Sep-29-20241010000407%
Tampa, FL - USA, Tampa Bay by Night25Jul-14-20241624223112152%
Twin Cities, MN, - USA, The Last Stand42Feb-04-20251714223113154%
Vale do Itajaí, SC - Brazil, Fear of the Dark10Jan-07-20252000000216%
Vale do Paraíba, SP - Brazil, Vale Sangrento15Sep-23-20242020200019%
Vitória, ES - Brazil, Blood and Darkness22Sep-23-20242020000016%
Washington, DC - USA, Shadows on the Horizon0Jul-22-20240000000000%
Wichita, KS - USA, Rebellion in the Shadows7Jul-04-20241000001306%
Winona, MN - USA, Winona Dark Haven10Jul-08-202431000003110%
Worcester County, MA - USA, Quabbin0Aug-01-20240000000000%