One World by Night Charter
One World by Night (OWbN) is a network of international Live Action Role Play (LARP) chronicles, brought together for the purpose of enjoying a shared in-game universe. Participants believe in the sovereignty of each Chronicle, so far as it does not impugn upon the cohesiveness of the organization as a whole, and further agree that treating each Chronicle—and by extension each Player—with respect is the bedrock upon which sound, cooperative Storytelling takes place.
Global Story
OWbN exists to provide a global story in which its member Chronicles coexist. Upon this global stage, each Chronicle represents actors contributing a piece of the whole shared universe. Things that occur at the Chronicle level have the ability to impact this shared universe and thus, the global story, just as things that occur on a larger scale in the shared universe can impact the Chronicle. To facilitate this, OWbN has Coordinators whose task is to work with Storytellers to ensure plots and events occurring at various levels are conducive to the overall global story and its continuity.
Chronicle Sovereignty
A key element of OWbN is that each chronicle is a sovereign entity within the organization. This sovereignty grants the chronicle certain rights; namely the creation of house rules, the ability to disallow Players, Characters or items and the right of the Chronicle to leave OWbN at its pleasure. This sovereignty is limited in that the chronicle may not have house rules more permissive than OWbN’s Bylaws and binding packets; the chronicle may not prohibit valid in- character information from coming into their chronicle; the chronicle may not completely ignore story or plot originating from other chronicles; and chronicles may not “redline” events that happened in other Chronicles.
Accepting the Consequences
In the spirit of the game the Players accept a certain level of risk for their Character upon entering play. By signing in Players agree they have read and understand the house rules of the Chronicle they are attending and that they agree to the Storytellers’ final decisions within that Chronicle. It is the Player's responsibility to inform their Storytellers of changes to their Character occurring at another Chronicle or the Player’s home Chronicle.
All Players have the responsibility to portray Characters that adhere to the shared universe presented by OWbN. Thus, the Players are expected, within reason, to know, understand and comply with the rules for the Character they are representing including 1) base rules 2) OWBN- specific genre packets and 3) Chronicle house rules; and not willingly and knowingly violating those same guidelines. Furthermore, the Players are expected to conduct themselves in a civilized manner when participating in OWbN activities including attending game sessions and events, or when communicating on e-mail lists.
Each Chronicle has Storytellers, who fill many roles. The Storyteller, like a director, creates and guides the story of their Chronicle, mediates disputes amongst local Players, ensures that fairness and balance are always maintained, and bears the responsibility to align their Chronicle with the greater continuity of OWbN. Storytellers should endeavor to maintain a good working knowledge of the rules, both published and those established in OWbN’s By-laws, as they are the representatives for their Chronicle and are expected to hold their Characters and Players accountable for their actions with respect to OWBN.
OWbN’s collective governing body is known as the OWbN Council, made up of a Council Member from each Chronicle. The Council Member acts as the voice for their Chronicle in matters of voting, and the Council Member must inform their Chronicle of appropriate discussions and votes which may affect the Chronicle. To fully represent their Chronicle, each Council Member is encouraged to cast one vote on behalf of their Chronicle for every vote put before council.
Administrative Coordinators
Administrative Coordinators shall be responsible for the overall governance of OWbN. Their primary focus shall be maintaining all necessary infrastructure (e.g. websites and finances) and relevant archives, while serving as regulators and adjudicators of all populations, powers, and continuity in the shared universe of OWbN. Administrative Coordinators shall also serve as arbitrators when conflicts arise between genre coordinators, Players, Storytellers or a combination thereof. Additional duties include advising chronicles on matters of game mechanics, and integrating new games and genres into the shared universe.
Genre Coordinators
Genre Coordinators shall be advisors with regards to their respective genre, sect or clan. Their primary focus is to serve as an additional resource for Players and Storytellers on mechanics related to their assigned genre. Additional responsibilities include managing the shared universe of OWbN (e.g. list serves, forums, the portrayal of non-player characters and territories), as well as the overall direction of their genre.
Base Rules
All game mechanics shall be derived from the most recently published White Wolf’s Mind’s Eye Theater Revised or 3rd Edition books, e.g. core rules books and clan books (i.e. not White Wolf novels). Additional source material may be used in part or in whole as approved by Council. Packets may be created only to clarify game mechanics, convert tabletop mechanics, correct print errors & rules omissions, clarify where OWBN has deviated from printed canon, and explain player made mechanics (e.g. paths and combo disciplines). Packets shall be maintained by their respective genre coordinator.
OWbN’s Bylaws act as the organization’s binding rules detailing its procedures, positions and policies, including rarity restrictions on playable Characters. All Chronicles must operate within the parameters of these rules, and no Chronicle’s house rules may be less restrictive than the OWbN Bylaws.
The OWbN charter is an explanation of the purpose of the Organization. Although this document is not binding or enforceable in itself, it does represent the spirit of the By-Laws and the purpose of the Organization and the mechanism for the group of international games cooperating in a shared universe. This Charter is the filter through which any rule of the Organization is to be considered.