The Bylaws of One World by Night

One World by Night (OWbN) is a network of international Live Action Role Play (LARP) chronicles. These chronicles are brought together for the purpose of sharing a broad and colorful story that extends past each city’s borders. We believe in the sovereignty of each chronicle, so far as it does not impugn upon the cohesiveness of the organization as a whole. We further believe that treating each chronicle, and by extension each player, with respect is the bedrock upon which sound cooperative Storytelling takes place.

Coordinator Bylaws of One World By Night

Last Revised: May 22, 2024
  1. Elected Coordinator Positions
  2. The Head Coordinator shall present the following positions for election as per the Administrative Bylaws, Section 4.B:
    1. Administrative
      1. Assistant Head Coordinators (2 positions)
      2. Membership Coordinator
      3. Finance Coordinator
      4. Marketing Coordinator
      5. Mediation Coordinator (7 positions)
      6. Web Coordinator
    1. Genre Coordinators
      1. Sect Coordinators
        1. Camarilla
        2. Sabbat
        3. Anarch
        4. Clan Coordinators
          1. Assamite
          2. Brujah
          3. Gangrel
          4. Giovanni
          5. Lasombra
          6. Malkavian
          7. Nosferatu
          8. Salubri
          9. Setite
          10. Toreador
          11. Tremere
          12. Tzimisce
          13. Ventrue
          14. Ravnos
        1. Changing Breeds Coordinator
          1. The Changing Breeds Coordinator shall be accountable for all of the Changing Breeds as outlined by White Wolf.
        1. Demon Coordinator
        2. Wraith Coordinator
        3. Mage Coordinator
        4. Changeling Coordinator
    1. Appointed Coordinator Positions
      1. The following Coordinator positions shall be appointed by the Head Coordinator as needed until such time as the Council feels the genre requires an elected Coordinator position:
        1. Kuei-jin
        2. Archivists (up to 2 positions)
        3. Historian
        4. Hunter
        5. Hengeyokai
        6. Documents
        7. Mummy
      1. Appointed Genre Coordinators shall be the recognized authority on their respective genres and as such receive all rights and responsibilities under Coordinator Bylaws 3.C.
        1. Appointed Coordinators may be removed from office at will by the respective elected Coordinator that appointed them, or by a majority vote of Council.
    1. Coordinator Duties
      1. Administrative Coordinators
        1. Head Coordinator
          1. The Head Coordinator shall be responsible, to the best of their ability, for duties assigned to the position as outlined within the bylaws of the network.
          2. The Head Coordinator may, at their discretion, delegate responsibilities to the Assistant Head Coordinators or duly appointed sub-coordinator.
          3. The Head Coordinator may appoint an Interim Coordinator to temporarily fill the position of an Elected or Appointed Coordinator until said Coordinator can return to their duties. The appointee will be treated as an official Coordinator.
            1. This Interim Coordinator may fill the position as appointed by the Head Coordinator for up to thirty days. Any extension beyond those thirty days must be approved by Council. If the extension is unapproved by Council, Special Elections will then begin, per Administrative Bylaw 4.C.
            2. The appointment of an Interim Coordinator will be announced to Council and ST lists, and that announcement may be distributed to the players from there.
          1. The Head Coordinator, when presented with legal demands, threats of legal action, or other legally related situations which present an immediate, clear, and present danger to the organization, is empowered to take whatever emergency and prophylactic actions are required to avoid the adverse consequences. This emergency action is authorized without passing a specific proposal through Council, provided that within two weeks of the emergency action, the Head Coordinator must present to Council, for approval, a formal proposal stating the nature of the emergency and the action taken.
        1. Assistant Head Coordinators
          1. Shall, to the best of their ability, carry out responsibilities as assigned by either the Head Coordinator or the Council.
        1. Membership Coordinator
          1. The Membership Coordinator shall oversee the admissions process as outlined in the Administrative Bylaws, Section 7.
          2. They may delegate any of the above powers to one or more Sub-Coordinators, who they will hold responsibility over.
            1. The elected Coordinator may remove or replace these Sub-Coordinators at will. Council may remove these Sub-Coordinators with a majority vote.
            2. The elected Coordinator is responsible for all disputed issues that are brought before Council involving any authority delegated to their Sub-Coordinators.
          1. The elected Coordinator may prop a territory dispute for council vote if an agreement cannot be reached by both parties who have participated or refused to participate in the mediation of the elected coord and exec team within 6 months.
          2. The Membership Coordinator shall be directly involved with the voluntary withdrawal of Chronicles from our organization. They shall seek to rectify territory issues, and ensure the process of withdrawal is upheld as per Administrative Bylaw 1.I.ii.2. The process should not exceed 3 months of the original notification of intent to withdraw. In any case where unforeseen circumstances prevent such from being completed, Council must be notified of such and a course of action determined by the voting body of Council based off the reasons given.
        1. Finance Coordinator
          1. The responsibilities and duties of the Finance Coordinator shall be:
            1. Maintain a bank account and financial records of all transactions on behalf of the network.
            2. Monitor and record all individual donations to the network.
            3. Provide consultation and research for the disbursement of all funds donated to OWBN.
            4. Present quarterly reports on the intake and output of the OWBN account to Council.
            5. Submit proposals to Council on any fiscal donation or payment policy or request.
        1. Archivists
          1. Duties for Historical archival shall be:
            1. Catalog and report disciplinary actions as per the Administrative Bylaws, Section 6.F.i.
            2. Archive chronicle reports and policies as per the Administrative Bylaws, Section 8.D
          1. Duties for Rare & Unusual archival shall be:
            1. Create and maintain a database listing of all approved Rare & Unusual characters and routinely-appearing/interacting NPCs as outlined in the Character Regulation Bylaws, Section 7 and 10.
            2. Report to the ST list/Council an overview of existing R&U characters within OWBN and offer the a global picture of the R&Us in the organization.
          1. Duties for Custom Content archival shall be:
            1. All Custom Content will be recorded and compiled by the Archivists into a single document which shall be accessible on the One World by Night website.
              1. This document will include the following information about each item of Custom Content:
                1. Name of the Custom
                2. Type (Discipline, Combo, etc)
                3. For Combination Disciplines, the component requirements
                4. Cost
                5. The MET Mechanics
                6. Date of the Archival
                7. Coordinator office responsible for monitoring the Custom Content
              1. HST Name and Chronicle Name (where the Custom Content was Approved) will be recorded, but not listed publicly in the document
          1. The Archivists may delegate any of the above powers to one or more Sub-Coordinators, who they will hold responsibility over.
            1. The Archivist Coordinator, or the Head Coordinator, may remove or replace these Sub-Coordinators at will. Council may remove these Sub-Coordinators with a majority vote.
            2. The Archivist Coordinator is responsible for all disputed issues that are brought before Council involving any authority delegated to their Sub-Coordinators.
            3. These sub-coordinators are allowed access to the Council and Storyteller emails lists for the sole purpose of communications relevant to the duties of the Archivist office as outlined in the Administrative Bylaws and Coordinator Bylaws.
        1. Web Coordinator
          1. Duties for Web Coordinator shall be:
            1. Designing the website.
            2. Maintaining all domains and sub domains owned by OWBN.
            3. Setting up and maintaining all e-mail accounts and e-mail lists.
            4. Making backups of all files contained in the domain in case of data loss.
            5. Communication with Host Company in case of service interruption or any complications which disrupt the domain and website.
            6. Make sure all maps and chronicles have updated information on the Website.
            7. Continue to develop new themes for the website.
            8. Trouble-shoot all user problems with the domain and website.
            9. Communicate with Exec Team, Elected Coordinators and Council about all issues concerning the domain and website.
            10. Communicate with Finance Coordinator about which chronicles are eligible for space to host chronicle websites due to restrictions from Administrative bylaw 5.a.iv
            11. Make regular updates of content on the website as provided by Exec team, Council Members and Coordinators.
            12. After receiving a help desk ticket, they may fix spelling and grammatical errors in the bylaws if it does not fundamentally change the intent of the bylaw. Prior to the change being made, they must provide notification to Council of what is to be changed. Any objections made within seven days of the notification made by an Exec Team Member or Council Member regarding what is to be changed, would then require a proposal to be made to correct the errors.
          1. They may delegate any of the above powers to one or more Sub-Coordinators, who they will hold responsibility over.
            1. The appointed Coordinator, or the Head Coordinator, may remove or replace these Sub-Coordinators at will. Council may remove these Sub-Coordinators with a majority vote.
            2. The appointed Coordinator is responsible for all disputed issues that are brought before Council involving any authority delegated to their Sub-Coordinators.
        1. Historian
          1. Duties for the Historian shall be:
            1. Creation and maintenance of a publicly accessible archive of OWBN in character history for all genres.
            2. Review of chronicle reports for significant in character events to be added to the historical documents.
            3. To actively seek out information by interviewing players and storytellers to create a more complete picture of OWBN history.
            4. To actively seek out areas where the historical archive may be incomplete, and seek to make it as complete as possible.
            5. Report at least semianually to the ST/Council lists on the status of the historical archive.
          1. The Historian shall have the following powers to be used in pursuit of the above duties:
            1. The Historian may request details on any plot or event run by a OWBN game. Any member of OWBN with information should cooperate to the best of their ability.
            2. Storytellers or CMs may request that details of plotlines not be published until finished, in the case of plotlines where public knowledge of certain information would compromise it. This includes situations involving infiltrators, traitors, secretive PvP, or any situation where there is non-public knowledge that should remain private. Any dispute as to whether or not information should be published should be referred to the Executive team for mediation, and failing that to council for vote. The Historian should focus on events that are a year or more past to avoid the majority of such complications.
            3. The Historian may collaborate with the Archivist and Web coordinators to determine the best way to present the historical information.
            4. The Historian may request information on the OWBN ST/Council lists in furtherance of the above duties.
          1. The Historian may delegate any of the above powers to one or more Sub-Coordinators, who they will hold responsibility over.
            1. The appointed Coordinator, or the Head Coordinator, may remove or replace these SubCoordinators at will. Council may remove these Sub-Coordinators with a majority vote.
            2. The appointed Coordinator is responsible for all disputed issues that are brought before Council involving any authority delegated to their Sub-Coordinators.
        1. Marketing
          1. Duties for Marketing shall be:
            1. Monitor marketing trends for One World by Night
            2. Act as an administrator for out of character outreach media on behalf of One World by Night at-large
            3. Work in partnership with Web Coordinator for effective Marketing strategies
            4. Work with Membership Coordinator as initial contact for potential/new membership
            5. Work with local chronicles in assisting with marketing materials/strategies
            6. Perform other outreach and marketing tasks as assigned by Head Coordinator
        1. Documents
          1. Duties for Documents shall be:
            1. Assemble a team of volunteers to handle the technical aspects of packet creation, including, but not limited to:
              1. Document design
              2. Editing
              3. Graphics
              4. Translation
              5. Interactive features in PDFs
            1. Create some sense of unity between the various packets so that the shared nature of OWbN can be seen in our materials.
            2. Implement the vision of Genre Coordinators for their packets.
              1. Genre material, style and general presentation will be decided by the Genre Coordinator, who has ultimate authority over their packet.
            1. Make sure that all documents created for OWBN are in compliance with our bylaws and copyright standards.
            2. As often as possible, create documents that are accessible to individuals with disabilities.
            3. Update existing packets to reflect bylaw changes through line-edits, in consultation with the appropriate genre coordinator.
            4. Work with individual chronicles to assist in creating polished house rules documents, as requested.
            5. Update the Dark Pack in all current packets whenever the IP owner makes changes to it.
        1. Mediaton
          1. Duties for the Mediation Coordinators Shall be:
            1. The Mediation Coordinators may be sought as a binding arbiter in a disputed between parties with the consent of all involved, as opposed to taking the matter directly to Council. The Mediation Coordinators has the right to refuse.
              1. This responsibility may not be delegated without prior permission from all parties involved.
              2. The specific details of such mediation shall remain confidential and shall not be made public unless Disciplinary Action as a result of such mediation is sought, in which case the executive team may make the action wholly or partially public, in the exercise of their discretion.
                1. To protect the confidentiality of our members the Mediation Coordinators may opt to use pseudonyms rather than identifying individuals by name.
                2. The Mediation Coordinators or the individual requesting mediation or their proxy (Storyteller or Council Member) may ask others to make statements regarding the mediation.
            1. The Mediation Coordinators must make their best efforts that anyone who is on the receiving end of a Disciplinary Action Proposal is notified. The Mediation Coordinators must also make sure that the Individual has a Council Member to represent them in the event of a conflict of interest or the Mediation Coordinators must find an agreeable representative, agreed upon by both parties. The Mediation Coordinators are responsible for providing accurate and documented attempts at contacting the individual in the event that the individual has chosen to ignore the proceedings. Such attempts should include, but are not limited to, emailing the individual, contacting other members of a chronicle to obtain verifiable methods of communication, Social Media attempts, or anything else within reason and not in violation with any federal or state laws.
            2. The number of Mediation Coordinators shall be seven (7), five from North America and two from South America. When members of One World by Night apply for this elected coordinator position, they must state on their application which region they are representing. Those applying for their Regional Mediation Coordinator position must physically reside in the region they wish to represent. If a region does not have an individual physically residing within the region to represent them; the Head Coordinator may accept the application from an individual who is outside of the region.
              1. Function: In their duties as Mediation Coordinators they shall work together as one group. Any disputes among the Mediation members is to be settled by a simple majority vote among those Coordinators. In the case of tied vote, the vote fails. The Mediation Coordinators are free to assign any and all members of these coordinators to a single issue to help resolve it as they see fit to do so. Additionally, Mediation Coordinators have the right and authority to investigate and collect any evidence in relation to Disciplinary Actions brought to them.
            1. The Mediation Coordinators may take a vote among themselves as per their functions and duties to push forward and propose a Disciplinary Action to One World by Night Council. When doing so they must present their findings, evidence, and work of investigation done to One World by Night Council.
            2. All issues brought before the Mediation Coordinators shall have a minimum of three coordinators to address the issue. If a Mediation Coordinator has a conflict of interest with the issue in question; they may recuse themselves and have another Mediation Coordinator take their place. The Head Coordinator and/or the Assistant Head Coordinators may be on any communications of the Mediation Coordinators as observers.
      1. Sect Coordinators
        1. Sect Coordinators are responsible for:
          1. Monitoring and advising on genre issues regarding the Sect, including but not limited to:
            1. Status and Prestation
            2. Sect laws, Justice, Politics, and Customs
            3. Sect Positions and Designations (Such as Justicars, Princes, Barons, Cardinals as well as such things as the Red list and Black Hand membership)
            4. Conflict and Intrigue both within and between the Sects (including Sect Infiltrators and Defectors)
            5. Relevant abilities, powers or disciplines specific to a sect or part of a sect (Anarch Combos, Sabbat Rituals, Black Hand Art of Memory etc.)
            6. The Sect Coordinator is required to be included on all binding agreements to their satisfaction involving NPCs under joint-control and related to the sect. This is including, but not limited to, all servants of Sect specific positions. The Executive Team shall mediate disputes relating to the afforementioned.
          1. Provide guidance for Storytellers on the goals and activities of the Sect as a whole.
            1. Sect Coordinator and Genre Coordinators shall share joint control over NPCs/Territories deemed important to the Sect as a whole, regardless of clan.
            2. The Executive Team shall mediate disputes of control and portrayal of these NPCs/Territories.
          1. Overseeing smaller Sects otherwise unassigned to Coordinators, including:
            1. Camarilla Coordinator
              1. Inconnu
              2. Ashirra
            1. Sabbat Coordinator
              1. Tal'mahe'Ra (also known as the True Black Hand, or the True Hand)
              2. Jati
            1. Anarch Coordinator
              1. Neo-Carthaginians
              2. Carthaginians
              3. Prometheans
              4. Laibon
          1. Monitoring Custom content in One World by Night, in accordance with the Character Regulation Bylaws, Section 7.
          2. Within 30 days of taking office the Coordinator will list on the Coordinator Contact Page a default chronicle under which all scenes run by their office will be hosted, unless all parties are notified prior to the start of the scene.
            1. A link to the the chronicles house rules will be provided
            2. An email to the Storyteller’s list will be sent out
            3. In the event of a change of default hosting chronicle, this change must be noted and announced within 30 days of the change
            4. In the event that a Player receives a Chronicle Ban from the default hosting chronicle or any other local Disciplinary Action that prevents interaction with the hosting chronicle, the Coordinator must work with the Player’s Storytelling staff to find a suitable chronicle in which to host the scene.
            5. In the event that a Storyteller receives a Chronicle Ban from the default hosting chronicle or any other local Disciplinary Action that prevents interaction with the hosting chronicle, the Coordinator cannot prevent the players of that Storyteller’s chronicle from interacting in Coordinator scenes or decline that Storyteller from being included in their player’s interactions with the scene or Coordinator office. The Coordinator may request another Storyteller of that Chronicle be included in those interactions, if possible.
        1. To this end, Sect Coordinators shall receive all powers outlined to Clan Coordinators in Section 3.C.ii & 3.C.iii as directly related to the duties outlined in Section 3.B.i.
        2. Sect IC Offices, other than those under a single Chronicle's jurisdiction, may not be filled, either by PC or NPCs, without previous approval from that sect's Coordinator. That includes:
          1. The Camarilla Inner Circle, Justicars, Warlord, Alastors, Archons and any other publicly known agents of the Inner Circle, Justicars and/or Warlord
          2. The Sabbat Regent, Cardinals, Prisci, Paladins, Inquisitors, the Black Hand Seraphim, Dominions, Seconds and any other publicly known agents of those Sabbat Offices, including their Templars, if any.
          3. The Camarilla Coordinator will have jurisdiction over the sect societies named the Josaians, Dog Catchers, E Division, Custodians of the Commandments, Redeemers of the Damned , Xalosek, and Antecaedists.
      1. Genre Coordinators
        1. Genre Coordinators are responsible for:
          1. Providing local STs with informational resources regarding the clan, sect, bloodlines, or species for which they have responsibility.
          2. At their discretion, providing local Storytellers with the portrayal of NPCs of that clan, sect, or species, within the bounds of OWBN wide consistency and genre concerns.
          3. Providing OWBN with the occasional presence of NPCs of their clan, sect, or species on the OWBN lists, or in person at OWBN events, within the bounds of OWBN wide consistency and genre concerns.
          4. Providing OWBN with guidance regarding the general direction of their clan, sect, or species, and with plots which may enhance OWBN’s usage of that clan.
          5. Maintaining the consistency and genre appropriateness of the genre resource under their care.
          6. Keeping local STs and other appropriate Coordinators appropriately informed of their activities. This includes informing local STs of communications with PCs.
          7. Monitoring chronicle adherence to the Character Regulation Bylaws, Section 9.
          8. Monitoring Custom content in One World by Night, in accordance with the Character Regulation Bylaws, Section 7.
          9. Manage and set policy for any Coordinator owned; In Character or Out of Character Email lists, Wikis, Forums, Websites, or other forms of media utilized in the promotion of and or for communications of their genre. In this context, "Coordinator owned" is defined as national and international forms of the above media that are not owned and managed by local games, regional games, or PCs.
          10. Within 30 days of taking office the Coordinator will list on the Coordinator Contact Page a default chronicle under which all scenes run by their office will be hosted, unless all parties are notified prior to the start of the scene.
            1. A link to the the chronicles house rules will be provided
            2. An email to the Storyteller’s list will be sent out
            3. In the event of a change of default hosting chronicle, this change must be noted and announced within 30 days of the change.
            4. In the event that a Player receives a Chronicle Ban from the default hosting chronicle or any other local Disciplinary Action that prevents interaction with the hosting chronicle, the Coordinator must work with the Player’s Storytelling staff to find a suitable chronicle in which to host the scene.
            5. In the event that a Storyteller receives a Chronicle Ban from the default hosting chronicle or any other local Disciplinary Action that prevents interaction with the hosting chronicle, the Coordinator cannot prevent the players of that Storyteller’s chronicle from interacting in Coordinator scenes or decline that Storyteller from being included in their player’s interactions with the scene or Coordinator office. The Coordinator may request another Storyteller of that Chronicle be included in those interactions, if possible.
        1. To this end, Genre Coordinators have the following powers:
          1. They may create and portray, or delegate the portrayal of, NPCs as appropriate to their position.
            1. Council may remove any of these NPCs/Territories with a majority vote, at which time the Coordinator will be permitted to script a suitable IC disappearance.
            2. Delegated NPCs/Territories requested by STs for use by a particular chronicle are primarily subject to the authority of those STs but may be removed at any time by the Coordinator.
            3. Coordinator NPCs/Territories cannot be used by any Chronicle without the permission of the Coordinator, his/her delegate, and the local STs.
            4. Coordinator NPCs/Territories become subject to local ST authority when they are used by a chronicle, but the Coordinator or his or her delegate shall remain free to refuse to allow any action if it introduces a vital inconsistency of character or a breach in global genre in the Coordinator or delegate’s opinion.
              1. If Storytellers feel they require an action, which the Coordinator has refused, they may appeal the matter to Council, whose decision shall be final.
              2. If the Coordinator feels the Storyteller(s) of a chronicle have tampered with, or hampered, the actions of a Coordinator office NPC/Territory in such a way that prevents the Coordinator from enforcing their area of Genre, they may address Council for official Disciplinary action to be taken against said ST(s) or the Chronicle as a whole.
            1. Coordinator NPCs are subject to Administrative Bylaws Section 1.D constraint except where otherwise noted in the bylaws.
            2. Coordinator NPCs that fall under an R&U category must be passed as normally for that category through Council.
            3. Coordinator territory is considered either "Approval" Territory or "Notify" Territory.
            4. Use of "Approval" Territory is outlined above.
            5. Chronicles may use "Notify" Territory without permission as long as they notify the appropriate coordinator within a week of use. All actions taken within "Notify" Territory are considered under the rule of Administrative Bylaw Section 1.B.iii.
            6. A coordinator may conduct any scene or event they require within the Territory they control in relation to the duties of their coordinator office. To that effect the following rules apply to all Coordinator Scenes run in Coordinator controlled territory.
              1. For the purposes of scenes or events run by the Coordinator within the Territory they control, they are considered the HST over those scenes and possess authority as such. This does not supersede bylaw 3.C.iii.
              2. The Coordinator must make available any and all house rules they will use for scenes or events run in coordinator territory.
              3. PCs may not be based in Coordinator Territory as their home game.
          1. They may cast a tie-breaking vote on R&U characters they coordinate.
          1. They may request permission of the appropriate STs to take any actions directly through clan NPCs towards PCs.
            1. The appropriate STs shall be deemed to be the STs with OWBN jurisdiction over the PC at the time and chronicle at which the action is to occur.
            2. If the action is foreseeable in advance, permission should also be sought from the PC's home chronicle STs for any direct interaction via NPCs.
              1. Permission is not required for indirect interaction (wherein the words, requests, desires, etc. of NPCs are carried to PCs by another PC), only for direct interaction (wherein a PC personally interacts with, or is affected personally by, NPCs without the intermediary of other PCs).
            1. If permission is granted, they may take those actions.
            2. If permission is not granted, the Coordinator may take their case before Council. Council's rulings will be binding to the Coordinator and the chronicle(s) in question.
            3. If Head Storytellers make agreements with Coordinators concerning PCs, those agreements shall be binding on both the Coordinator and the chronicle, regardless of who holds the Coordinator position or the ST positions (though agreements may be altered if both STs and Coordinators agree).
              1. Should a formal binding agreement be made between the Coordinator and another party (such as a player and their Storyteller, a Chronicle, or another Coordinator), that formal binding agreement shall be logged with the Archivist and reported to the Executive Team for the purposes of documentation should dispute occur. Any changes to said formal binding agreement shall likewise be logged with the Archivist and reported to the Executive Team.
            1. Failure to keep such agreements shall be brought before Council and considered appropriate grounds for punitive measures.
          1. They may advise Coordinators and STs on ways to leverage R&U related backgrounds and plotlines on a global level, if desired.
            1. For example: in the Midwest, it’s quite possible that various PCs in Kenosha, Milwaukee and Green Bay all have a 5-pt. Mentor who is a Samedi. Instead of having 3-5 7th generation Samedi, it would make sense for the various Mentors to be combined into a single NPC, and used as a plot device at ST discretion.
          1. They may delegate any of the above powers to one or more Sub-Coordinators, who they will hold responsibility over.
            1. They may remove these Sub-Coordinators at will, and Council may remove these Sub-Coordinators with a majority vote.
            2. Coordinators are responsible for all disputed issues that are brought before Council.
          1. They shall oversee and administer the Blood Magic paradigm exclusive to their Clan, Sect (if any) or ideology
            1. Responsibility for each paradigm is as follows:
              1. Abyssal Mysticism – Lasombra Coordinator
              2. Assamite Sorcery - Assamite Coordinator
                1. Includes the following:
                  1. Dur-An-Ki
                  2. Sihr
                  3. Cult of Mithras Dur-An-Ki (Shared with the Ventrue Coordinator)
              1. Anarch Curses – Anarch Coordinator
              2. Bacaban – Sabbat Coordinator
              3. Dark Thaumaturgy – Demon Coordinator
              4. Hermetic Thaumaturgy – Tremere Coordinator
                1. Also includes the following:
                  1. Sielanic Thaumaturgy
                1. The following are exclusive to Hermetic Thaumaturgy:
                  1. Path of Mercury
                  2. Thaumaturgical Countermagic
              1. Koldunic Sorcery – Tzimisce Coordinator
              2. Necromancy – Giovanni Coordinator
                1. Includes the following:
                  1. Mortis
                  2. Western Necromancy
                  3. Eastern Necromancy
                  4. African Necromancy
                  5. Aztec Necromancy
                  6. Voudoun Necromancy
                  7. Any Necromancy paradigm not listed
              1. Sadhana – See Below
                1. Setite Coordinator for Daitya
                2. Ravnos Coordinator for all others
                3. The following are exclusive to Sadhana:
                  1. Path of Praapti
              1. Setite Sorcery – Setite Coordinator
                1. Include the following:
                  1. Akhu
                  2. Nahuallotl
                  3. Wanga
                  4. Seidr
                  5. Afro-Caribbean Sorcery
                  6. Any Setite Sorcery paradigm not listed
              1. Anarch Sorcery - Anarch Coordinator - See Below
                1. Old Skool - Anarch Coordinator
                2. New Age - Anarch Coordinator
                3. Punk Sorcery - Anarch Coordinator
                4. Hacktivism - Anarch Coordinator
            1. The Coordinators shall come to a consensus on who should supervise any Path or Ritual not clearly defined as belonging to a single Clan/Sect/Ideology with a vote of the OWbN Council being called for if a consensus cannot be reached
            2. The Coordinator responsible for the paradigm will have final authority on custom content created for their paradigm of Blood Magic
              1. Paths or Rituals without an MET conversion in a printed White Wolf source-book are required to be submitted for review to the appropriate Coordinator for the paradigm of Blood Magic within 3 months of approval.
              2. All submissions must include a full description and suggested game mechanics; however, the Coordinator may make any edits they feel are necessary
          1. They may create and update (as necessary) a Blood Magic Document as a Genre Proposal for the paradigm of Blood Magic for which they are responsible
            1. Each Document shall serve as a catalog of all Paths and Rituals within One World by Night for that paradigm
            2. The catalog shall contain MET conversions where necessary for any Paths or Rituals without an MET conversion
            3. Coordinators may choose whether or not to include custom content in this catalog, but all custom content included should be labeled clearly as such
        1. Genre Coordinators must pass before Council any plot, R&U bylaw revision, R&U named characters, Coordinator-NPC Character Resurrections, territory requests, in character enforced policy, or in character binding edict they wish to use which they can reasonably expect to affect multiple chronicles and these proposals follow the Autopass Vote Procedure.
          1. Exception to above - Player Character (PC) specific information, such as but not limited to PC's holding regional positions or PC's important enough to have been included in genre documents (i.e. tribal packets, clan packets, status packets etc.) may be updated by notification to council, should the PC specific information change during the duration that the document is current. Adding or removing player characters and their respective information from genre documents is expressly NOT covered by this clause, and should be handled through the normal council approval processes.
          2. Proposals that impact multiple genres
            1. Genre Coordinator proposals that impact multiple genres have the right to be propped as [AUTOPASS] as detailed above only if they have the support of the other Genre Coordinators whose genres are impacted.
              1. The additional Coordinator(s) support must either be documented and sent to the Executive Team before the proposal is sent to Council or the supporting Coordinators may voice their support to Council within 48 hours.
              2. Proposals that impact multiple genres and do not have the support of the other Genre Coordinators whose genres are impacted do not have the right to [AUTOPASS].
              3. If there is a disagreement on whether a proposal impacts multiple genres, the Executive Team will determine whether or not it does and which genres are impacted.
          1. Those that seem to affect only one chronicle only need local ST approval. In this case, conflicts with the chronicle are subject to point three above.
          2. Coordinators may bring before Council any dispute between themselves and another Coordinator or ST in which they feel OWBN wide consistency or global genre is at stake, and Council shall make a timely investigation and judgment.
          3. Passing new R&U Named characters before council is to be treated as something which affects multiple chronicles.
          4. Coordinators may lay claim to territories in order to preserve or uphold the status quo established by the canon material, or due to Council-approved plot-lines or other such world-events
            1. Claiming new or modifying existing territories is considered something that affects multiple Chronicles and must be brought to the OWbN Council independent of other proposals.
              1. Coordinators may propose sole control of a territory, or joint control with other Coordinators, specified in the proposal.
              2. After a territory claim has passed a vote of the OWbN Council, the territory will be added to the Territory List posted on the OWbN website.
            1. Each claim must include the proposed levels of restriction for each category of the territory.
              1. These categories are as follows:
                1. Character backgrounds / back-stories: Approval, Notify, or None.
                2. Use in Game-play: Approval, Notify, or None.
            1. These categories may be further specified, if desired, by creature type (for example: Vampires, Mages, Changing Breeds, Wraith) and/or Sect.
            2. The level of restriction for at least one of these categories (either Backgrounds or Game-play) must be Coordinator Notification or Coordinator Approval; a Coordinator may not lay claim to a territory which has "None" specified for both character backgrounds and game-play. Such areas are covered in the AdministrativeBylaws, Section 1.B.iii.
          1. Any Proposal that utilizes Justicar NPC(s) for the purposes of enforcing genre policy over the Organization requires the consent of the Camarilla Coordinator and the Genre Coordinator that controls the Justicar NPC in question. Council may not utilize the Justicar NPCs to Propose a Genre Proposal without this consent.
        1. Abuses of the limits of these powers may be addressed with local strikes or brought before Council and considered appropriate grounds for punitive measures. This applies to both Coordinators and their staff, and chronicles and their ST’s.
      1. Coordinators may collect information on their job related activities, (or in the case of the Justicar Coordinators, on matters which have been brought IC to the Justicar's attention) which are described at the beginning of each census request, from the STs or other Coordinators, who shall not misrepresent such information.
        1. Failure to provide necessary information to a Coordinator or intentional misrepresentation of information shall be brought before Council and considered appropriate grounds for punitive measures.

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