General Election 2024 - Assistant Head Coordinator

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Coordinator Elections (Full Term)
Opened: 29-Feb-2024 12:00AM EST
Closing: 07-Mar-2024 12:00AM EST

This are your candidates for Assistant Head Coordinator 1 and 2 for the 2024-2026 term. Remember that the candidate with the most votes will become AHC1, and the candidate with the second most votes will become AHC2.

Estes são os seus candidatos a Coordenador Chefe Adjunto 1 e 2 para o mandato 2024-2026. Lembre-se que o candidato com mais votos se tornará AHC1, e o segundo candidato com mais votos se tornará AHC2.

Chase Jelliffe -
David Lightner -
Destiny Pacheco -
Kris Donihee -
Todd Allen -

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Ballot Options
Chase Jelliffe
David Lightner
Destiny Pacheco
Kris Donihee
Todd Allen
Reject All Candidates