Council Voting History

Primary tabs

Council voting history for New York City, NY - USA, Kings of New York

Proposal Name Closing Datesort ascending Opening Date CM Vote
Tremere 23-May-2001 21-May-2001 Not
Unusual True Faith 23-May-2001 21-May-2001 No vote submitted
Ventrue Antitribu 23-May-2001 21-May-2001 R&U:
Amendment of Wording, Bylaw 5 21-May-2001 12-May-2001 For
Amendment of Proposal & Voting Procedure 21-May-2001 12-May-2001 For
Mission Statement for OWBN 10-May-2001 28-Apr-2001 For
New Material from White Wolf Discussion Period 10-May-2001 25-Apr-2001 For
Ajaba Runoff 03-May-2001 30-Apr-2001 No vote submitted
Amkhat Runoff 03-May-2001 30-Apr-2001 No vote submitted
Ananasi Runoff 03-May-2001 30-Apr-2001 No vote submitted
