Revision of Bylaws, Section 2: Player Base Notification
Open Votes
Proposed: To change the following bylaws under Administrative Bylaws, Section 2C: Player Base Notification from:
2 If there should be any question on whether or not the proposal is appropriate for player viewing, the Head Coordinator shall have final adjudicating authority on the posting of said proposal, and MAY call for an immediate vote from Council re: same. This will put the proposal on hold until that vote is finalized.
2. Any vote results, including comments posted on the online Vote Management System, that relate to a rules, organizational, and/or game mechanics proposal shall be posted in it's entirety to the OWBN-ooc list server and on
the public OWbN web site for review by the OWBN player base. This shall be done by an AHC within twenty-four (24) hours of the notification sent to the council and ST lists that a vote has closed. The Head Coordinator may also
indicate additional locations that proposals may be posted.
3. If there should be any question on whether or not the proposal is appropriate for player viewing, the Head Coordinator shall have final adjudicating authority on the posting of said proposal, and MAY call for an immediate vote from Council re: same. This will put the proposal on hold until that vote is finalized.
William E. Genich
HST and CM, Kenosha: Memento Mori