Council - Closed Votes

Closed Votes

E.g., 09/2024
E.g., 09/2024
Proposal Name Proposal Typesort descending Opened Closing Votes
[Bylaw Revision] The removal of Bylaw D. IV. (Coordinator Reports) Bylaw Revision 20-Jun-2014 27-Jun-2014 81
[PROPOSAL] (V2) Rewrite of Character Bylaws, Section 3: Character Play-Status and an End to XP Farming Bylaw Revision 08-Jul-2014 15-Jul-2014 75
[AMENDMENT][R&U Bylaws] Removal of Council Notification Requirement / Transition to Coordinator Notification Bylaw Revision 09-Jul-2014 16-Jul-2014 75
[Bylaw Amendment] REMOVAL OF AUTOPASS OPTION Bylaw Revision 18-Jul-2014 25-Jul-2014 65
[Bylaw Amendment] Path of Mercury/Praapti administration Bylaw Revision 31-Jul-2014 07-Aug-2014 71
[Bylaw Amendment] Removal of Administrative Bylaw 4.D (blind voting on Coordinator Elections) Bylaw Revision 31-Jul-2014 07-Aug-2014 75
[R&U Bylaw Amendment] Change to 'Rare' Rarity Bylaw Revision 01-Aug-2014 08-Aug-2014 72
[R&U Bylaw Revision][AUTOPASS] Children of Damballah to become Coordinator Approval Bylaw Revision 02-Aug-2014 02-Aug-2014 0
[Bylaw Amendment] Re-write of Admin Bylaw 1.E. (Clarification of House Rules) Bylaw Revision 06-Aug-2014 13-Aug-2014 77
[Bylaw Amendment] Addition to the Administrative Bylaws under §6.B.i (Scope of Disciplinary Actions) Bylaw Revision 05-Aug-2014 12-Aug-2014 76
[Bylaw Amendment] Addition of Administrative Bylaw § (Uniform vote standard) Bylaw Revision 05-Aug-2014 12-Aug-2014 76
[Bylaw Amendment] Coordinator Bylaw Change to give the Cam Coord (a little) more say over the use of Justicars Bylaw Revision 06-Aug-2014 13-Aug-2014 73
[Bylaw Amendment] Reduction, the first (Rarity changes for Changing Breeds R&U's) Bylaw Revision 16-Aug-2014 23-Aug-2014 88
[R&U BYLAW AMENDMENT] [AUTOPASS] Toreador Combo Disciplines Bylaw Revision 21-Aug-2014 21-Aug-2014 0
[R&U BYLAW AMENDMENT] [AUTOPASS] Change in Rarity for Melpominee Bylaw Revision 21-Aug-2014 28-Aug-2014 89
[AUTOPASS] Change to R&U Bylaws RE: Sabbat Factions Bylaw Revision 07-Aug-2014 07-Aug-2014 0
​[R&U BYLAW AMENDMENT]​[Amendment]Ravnos Rarities and Combos Bylaw Revision 22-Aug-2014 22-Aug-2014 0
[AUTOPASS][GENRE] Non-Giovanni being adopted into Clan Giovanni Bylaw Revision 10-Sep-2014 10-Sep-2014 0
[Bylaw amendment] Rarity of Wrath Lore 4 and 5 Bylaw Revision 25-Sep-2014 02-Oct-2014 91
[R&U] [Autopass] - Klaivesmit​hing and Silver Weapons Bylaw Revision 24-Sep-2014 24-Sep-2014 0
Amendments to Administrative Bylaw 5 (Finance / Dues / Server budget) Bylaw Revision 29-Sep-2014 06-Oct-2014 80
[BYLAW REVISION] Removing Autopass from Admission Votes Bylaw Revision 08-Oct-2014 15-Oct-2014 69
[Bylaw Amendment] Removal of Administrative Bylaw 9.B. (Code of Conduct for the Council, Storyteller, and Coordinator List-Servers) Bylaw Revision 06-Oct-2014 13-Oct-2014 69
[AUTOPASS][BYLAW REVISION] Withdrawing Chronicles Bylaw Revision 08-Oct-2014 08-Oct-2014 0
Rarity Reduction of RnU: Akunase Legacy to Coordinator Approval Bylaw Revision 11-Oct-2014 18-Oct-2014 74
