[AMENDMENT][R&U Bylaws] Removal of Council Notification Requirement / Transition to Coordinator Notification

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 09-Jul-2014 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 16-Jul-2014 12:00AM EDT

I, Jessica Karels, as Head Coordinator, propose the following changes to the Rare and Unusual Bylaws.

R&U Bylaw 2.B.iii.1.:

2.B.iii. Rare

1. PC: Majority Vote, NPC: Notification to Council and logged with the Archivist


2.B.iii. Rare

1. PC: Majority Vote, NPC: Coordinator Notification and logged with the Archivist


R&U Bylaw 2.B.v.1.

2.B.v. Unusual

1. PC: Notification to Council, NPC: Logged with the Archivist


R&U Bylaw 3.C.i.

3.C. Rare

i. PC: Majority Vote, NPC: Notification to Council and logged with the Archivist


3.C. Rare

i. PC: Majority Vote, NPC: Coordinator Notification and logged with the Archivist


R&U Bylaw 3.E.i.

3.E. Unusual

i. PC: Notification to Council, NPC: Logged with the Archivist...

Categories listed in 3.E.i. will be moved to 3.G.i. (Coordinator Notifiy)


R&U Bylaw 7.A.ii.1.


7.A.ii. Registration timeframe

1. For Rare & Unusual categories that require Council or Coordinator Notification, the registration requirements are fulfilled when the R&U submission is logged in the R&U database through the OWBN website.

7.A.ii. Registration timeframe

1. For Rare & Unusual categories that require Coordinator Notification, the registration requirements are fulfilled when the R&U submission is logged in the R&U database through the OWBN website.


R&U Bylaw 7.A.ii.1.b


1. The Archivist is expected to fulfill notifications to Council and/or the Coordinators no later than fourteen (14) days after the R&U is registered.


1. The Archivist is expected to fulfill notifications the appropriate genre Coordinator(s), as defined in R&U Bylaw 5, no later than fourteen (14) days after the R&U is registered.


R&U Bylaw 8.A.iii.1.

8.A.iii. Should the chosen method of compliance be to register the R&U:

1. For Rare & Unusual categories that require Council Notification, see R&U Bylaw 7.A.ii.1. for registration time frame.


8.A.iii. Should the chosen method of compliance be to register the R&U:

1. For Rare & Unusual categories that require Coordinator Notification, see R&U Bylaw 7.A.ii.1. for registration time frame.


The purpose of removing Council Notification as a requirement for R&U registration procedures is as follows:

  • It is the ST’s right to determine what they deem to be appropriate within their chronicle (within reason) and the Coordinator’s right to oversee elements of their respective genre.
  • We bring in Council to oversee and weigh in on the process for R&U elements that are deemed powerful, exceptional, or affect the continuity of our shared story (Unique or Very Rare PC’s/NPC’s, Rare PC’s, or Resurrection cases).
  • Council Notification adds a burden to the R&U process, as it requires that certain R&U elements pass through a list of 150 people - a fair # of whom are not storytellers. This serves as an unnecessary disincentive for ST’s and players who may be considering R&U stuff, as they may want that information to be kept discreet in order to prevent metagaming.

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