[R&U Bylaw Amendment] Change to 'Rare' Rarity

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 01-Aug-2014 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 08-Aug-2014 12:00AM EDT

I, Justin Quigley, propose the following addition to 2.B.1 in the R&U Bylaws:


2. Classifications of Rare & Unusual Categories

B. Restrictions and Definitions of the Classification Categories:

i. Unique:

1. PC: Majority Vote, NPC: Majority Vote and logged with the Archivist

a. All characters published in White Wolf books.

b. Historical figures, real-life persons.

c. Fictional personas used as character concepts (ex: Caine, Vlad “Dracula” Tepes, the vampire Lestat, former President Bill Clinton, Sir

Lancelot, wrestling person “The Rock”, etc.)

ii. Very Rare:

1. PC: 2/3 Majority Vote, NPC: Simple Majority Vote and logged with the Archivist

a. Characters of very small groups in the World of Darkness.

b. Creatures of very extreme power levels.

iii. Rare:

1. PC: Majority Vote, NPC: Coordinator Notification and logged with the Archivist

a. Includes characters of small groups and bloodlines

b. Characters of a power level where free inter-game interaction could become a concern.

c. Characters of types considered fringe to a main genre.

iv. Coordinator Approval:

1. PC: Appropriate Coordinator Approval and Logged with Archivist, NPC: Appropriate Coordinator Approval and Logged with Archivist..

(Reference Section 5, “Appropriate Coordinators for R&U”)

a. Includes characters that push genre boundaries, or are rare in genre.

v. Noteworthy

1. PC: Logged with the Archivist, NPC: Logged with the Archivist prior to second appearance in game.

a. Characters of groups that, while not of a category that would warrant council intervention, should be tracked for the purposes of

population-keeping and genre maintenance.

vi. Coordinator Notify

1. PC: Notification to Coordinator and logged with Archivist, NPC: Notification to Coordinator and logged with Archivist.

a. Includes characters that should be monitored for genre adherence.




2. Classifications of Rare & Unusual Categories

A. Genre Coordinators may propose a category assignment or re-assignment for any element type that is not well captured by these guidelines.

B. Restrictions and Definitions of the Classification Categories:

i. Unique:

1. PC: Majority Vote, NPC: Majority Vote and logged with the Archivist

a. All characters published in White Wolf books.

b. Historical figures, real-life persons.

c. Fictional personas used as character concepts (ex: Caine, Vlad “Dracula” Tepes, the vampire Lestat, former President Bill Clinton, Sir

Lancelot, wrestling person “The Rock”, etc.)

ii. Very Rare:

1. PC: 2/3 Majority Vote, NPC: Simple Majority Vote and logged with the Archivist

a. Characters of very small groups in the World of Darkness.

b. Creatures of very extreme power levels.

iii. Extraordinary

1. PC: Majority Vote, NPC: Coordinator Approval and logged with the Archivist

a. Includes characters of uncommon groups in the World of Darkness.

b. Characters worthy of oversight and judicious appearance.

iv. Rare:

1. PC: Majority Vote, NPC: Coordinator Notification and logged with the Archivist

a. Includes characters of small groups and bloodlines

b. Characters of a power level where free inter-game interaction could become a concern.

c. Characters of types considered fringe to a main genre.

v. Coordinator Approval:

1. PC: Appropriate Coordinator Approval and Logged with Archivist, NPC: Appropriate Coordinator Approval and Logged with Archivist..

(Reference Section 5, “Appropriate Coordinators for R&U”)

a. Includes characters that push genre boundaries, or are rare in genre.


vi. Noteworthy

1. PC: Logged with the Archivist, NPC: Logged with the Archivist prior to second appearance in game.

a. Characters of groups that, while not of a category that would warrant council intervention, should be tracked for the purposes of

population-keeping and genre maintenance.

vii. Coordinator Notify

1. PC: Notification to Coordinator and logged with Archivist, NPC: Notification to Coordinator and logged with Archivist.

a. Includes characters that should be monitored for genre adherence.

And appropriate renumbering for the charts in section 3.


Reasoning: There is no current R&U entry to allow Coord Approval for NPCs without taking PC control away from Council. In some upcoming changes I'd like to make to my holdings, a Vote/Approval entry would be immensely useful. At the request of Councilors, this has been made a request for a new category.



Justin Quigley

Changing Breeds Coord

Running Sneakers StoreKopačky na fotbal

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