Custom Combination Discipline / Technique

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 12XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Auspex 4
Dementation 3
MET Mechanics:

Combo: Babelfish
Requirements: Auspex 4, Dementation 3, Linguistics 3+
Cost: 12xp

Whether born from the miracles of God or the popular translation website, this combination discipline allows its user to understand, speak and read any written, non-magical language.

The user spends one blood and a number of mental traits (up to three) in order to utilize this power. One trait allows the user to understand any spoken, non-magical language. Two traits allows the user to also speak any non-magical language. For three traits, not only can they understand or speak any non-magical language, but they can also read any non-magical language. With extensive use (ST discretion and coordinator approval where applicable) the user of this power may be able to learn any language they’re reading and studying. They cannot learn this language simply by speaking or listening to it repeatedly. The only non-magical exception to this combination discipline is the Malkavian ability: Babel.

This power lasts for one scene.

Date of Archival: 06-Mar-2021
Malkavian , Assamite
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 6XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Animalism 4
Dominate 4
MET Mechanics:

Vampires on the Path of Feral Heart despise technology.  They prefer to focus on the primal and primitive aspects of their nature and curse.  It is from a mastery of this mind set members of the path developed this combination discipline.  By extending their beast and mind they can create an aura around them shuts down all technology that may be near them.

System: A character with this combination discipline may activate it by spending 1 willpower trait for the next scene or an hour.  If they do, all advanced electronics and technology fail to work automatically within a ten foot radius of a character.  Any piece of technology that has complex or multiple parts will fail.  Simple weapons like swords, knives, bows etc continue to function.

This combination discipline only works if the character is on Path of Feral Heart.

Date of Archival: 16-Dec-2022
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 9XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Melpominee 4
Potence 3
MET Mechanics:

Legend has it that the creator of this combo conceived it amidst profound
melancholy, as laments and tears echoed in the face of the imminent death of a
great love. Like a Banshee, she unleashed a piercing scream, saturated with pain and despair, that resonated with such intensity that glass shattered, and the ears of those who witnessed such anguish found themselves compelled to bleed. In
this manner, the siren, through her voice, is capable of inflicting damage.
System: To use this combo, the Siren must temporarily expend a physical trait
and succeed in a social test against the target's or targets' physical traits. as long as everyone can hear her. The maximum number of targets is five, requiring the Siren to temporarily expend an additional physical trait for each target beyond the first. The Daughter of Cacophony can use Performance to reroll; upon a successful test, the target or targets suffer one lethal damage to vitality.

Date of Archival: 13-May-2024
Toreador, Toreador
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 8XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Animalism 5
Presence 3
MET Mechanics:

Mechanics: When a Cainite with this combination Discipline is targeted by, and successfully defends against, any kind of Beast-affecting power, they may spend a Willpower Trait to initiate another challenge, retest Animal Ken. If they succeed in the second challenge as well, then the user of the original power is affected by their own power as if they had been the one targeted with it. For example, if a Nosferatu attempts to throw his beast at a Gangrel with this power and fails to do so, the Gangrel may immediately initiate another social challenge against the Nosferatu. If the Gangrel wins this exchange, the Nosferatu is affected by his own power, and his Beast rages under the effects of Drawing Out the Beast.

Date of Archival: 17-May-2022
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 9XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Fortitude 2
Visceratika 5
Custom Discipline Requirements (Combination): Weather the Storm
MET Mechanics:

A unique addendum of Weather the Storm based upon the protectiveness of a Gargoyle and their haven. Due to their special connection with the buildings they Haven in. This combination discipline may only be learned by Gargoyles.

System: This functions exactly like Weather the Storm with the sole difference. The blood you spend for the process you use to 'ghoul' the stone may be spent over the course of a month similar to upkeeping the background of your ghouled Retainers, limited to the number of points in your Haven background.

Date of Archival: 25-Oct-2023
Tremere, Tremere
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 20XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Animalism 5
Potence 5
MET Mechanics:

While under the influence of this power, the character is not affected by Dominate, Presence or Drawing out the Beast.. Furthermore, for the duration of the power, the character gains the PhysicalTraits: Ferocious and Relentless. The Discipline is not without its drawbacks, however. The character may not initiate any Mental or Social Challenges (except for Intimidation). Additionally, the character temporarily gains the Derangement: Crimson Rage. If she already has this Derangement, it becomes very active for the duration of the Discipline's use. It costs one Mental Trait to activate this Discipline. The Discipline comes to an end either at the end of the next scene or hour or upon completion of the character's first physical confrontation. This includes any combos with Dominate or Presence or Drawing out the Beast as well.

Date of Archival: 06-Nov-2023
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 15XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Animalism 5
Presence 4
MET Mechanics:

Needs to have Magic Resistance and tracked teachings from Arjak.

This power allows the user to impart his arcane resistance into an ally or unsuspecting foe.

System: By making spending a willpower and making a social challenge retest animal ken the user may throw their beast into their target along with it the users magic resistance. Targets that have magic resistance gain a further +2 bonus traits vs magic those that dont are now effected as if they had magic resistance for the scene/hour. This means the ally/victim is unable to activate further blood magic while under the effect.

The user may make end this power at will and summon their beast back but the beast returning is angry and the user needs to make an immediate self control test difficulty 5 as the beast is not pleased with being cast out.

Note: the user of this combo may never learn blood magic as it requires magic resistance to use successfully.

Date of Archival: 09-Mar-2019
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 10XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Protean 4
Fortitude 4
MET Mechanics:
Beast of Burden
Combo Power Protean 4/ Fortitude 4 
 *only available while in shape shifted form
System: Spending one physical trait the kindred is able to pick up one unattended item and 'absorb' it into their shape shifted form. Any items
taken this way can weigh no more than the kindreds normal form and can be no greater than their mass. Upon returning to
normal form (voluntary or otherwise) items taken taken this way drop to the ground (since they were never secured to begin with).  Dropping an item that has been picked up this way is free.  This power can be used in reverse also (Drop and retrieve items that were shifted with for one trait)
One can now shift with larger personal items such as spears, bows/rifles, and large axes/guns, but not bodies.
Date of Archival: 12-Feb-2015
Gangrel, Gangrel
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 8XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Animalism 5
Auspex 2
Dementation 1
MET Mechanics:

Just as Malkavians can instinctively know one another on sight, the Kindred with Beast Sight recognizes the Beast in others.

System: The PC spends a blood trait for the round to affect the transformation, gaining his Beast's eyes. Once Beast Sight is active, the PC can see the Beast in those around him. All creatures with the ability to frenzy, including humans with the Crimson Rage derangement, appear as the monster within to the eyes of the vampire using this Discipline. Lupines always appear in Crinos form to Beast Sight, though deciphering individual Tribs is not possible without sufficent Lupine Lore. Beings incapable of frenzy appear as normal. This power last for a scene or an hour, whichever is shortest.

Date of Archival: 15-Jul-2015
Malkavian , Malkavian
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 13XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Animalism 5
Fortitude 5
MET Mechanics:

Also requires: Ability - Meditation x3

A kindred that possess this power has learned to tap into the powerhouse that is their 'Beast'. As it is separate yet part of the kindred self. With this connection the kindred can extend their Fortitude resilience and resistance though the energy of the beast. To overcome levels of injury beyond their base ability to do so equal to their threshold of Animalism.

System Mechanics- The player focuses and connects to their beast's power through meditation and spends one blood in payment at the end of the meditation period. Till the kindred slumbers for the daylight period they may test additional levels of damage equal to their Animalism discipline categories; Basic one level, Intermediate two levels Advanced three levels, Elder four levels, and so on. Challenges for testing down the damage type will continue to use survival. In addition this power is subject to the effects of the Power 'Skin of Steel'.

Date of Archival: 14-Mar-2024
