Custom Combination Discipline / Technique

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 9XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Auspex 3
Potence 2
MET Mechanics:

Description: “His hand slid along the unfinished sword blade, leaving a smear of blood, though there was no wound upon him. He concentrated upon the metal as the vitae soaked in, pouring his knowledge into it and forcing even the minutest of impurities to rise and collect upon the surface like dust.”
System: Spending a blood while crafting an item allows the crafter to specially prepare an object to accept supernatural manipulation. When the object is successfully created, it is given the bonus trait “Attuned” that, while not used in calculating trait totals in combat, counts as an additional trait for all other purposes.
In MET, this power costs 9exp traits

Date of Archival: 07-Oct-2018
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 9XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Auspex 3
Dementation 3
Mytherceria 3
MET Mechanics:

This combination peels back the psychic impressions from the object's aura allowing the kindred using this power to look ‘beneath’ the most recent owner of the object.

MET mechanics:
When using Aura Absorption, the kindred may spend an additional mental trait to look further back into the history of an object they are touching. The kindred using the power may determine the next most recent owners of the object.  Users can see 1 additional owner for each mental trait expended, up to a maximum of 3.

If you spend a full turn in contemplation of one of the previous owners and make a static social challenge against the target's permanent social traits, you can determine the Nature of the owner you examined.  Losing this challenge causes you to become entranced as in Eyes of Chaos.

Date of Archival: 22-Oct-2022
Lasombra, Malkavian , Malkavian
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 18XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Animalism 5
Dominate 5
Presence 5
MET Mechanics:
Most creatures on this planet exist in a hierarchy, with Humans and
Kindred being no exceptions. Instinctively internalizing one's place
in the hierarchy, people will tend to act out their social roll and
defer to those of higher station. This power takes advantage of the
hierarchy mindset by making the user appear to be an authority figure
to the subject(s) of the discipline. The user will be treated as a
boss, a pack alpha, an elder - someone to whom the subject would
normally defer. It should be noted this is not a mind trick - it does
not convince the subject mentally that the user of the discipline is
in a position of authority over them, it merely gives them the feeling
that they are a hierarchical superior in some way, and have a nebulous
authority over them. This effect should be roleplayed.
System: The user spends a willpower point. This establishes an aura
with the same size and implementation as the Presence 5 power Majesty
(and the aura itself should be subject to whatever house rules also
apply to the aura component of Majesty). This aura does not impart
feelings in the same way as majesty, however - it is far more subtle
(and suitable for use in a public space), and imparts the feeling of
an authority figure as described above. The user of this power gains
all mechanical benefits of Majesty, and in addition wins ties in
social challenges against subjects of this power (offensive and
defensive). If the subject of this power would normally win social
ties, traits are compared as normal. If a subject attempts to counter
the effect of this power, they may do so by expending a willpower
trait and winning a social challenge. One such challenge is allowed
per use of the power. If they initiate the challenge at the time of
the power's activation, the power is not considered in effect and so
the user does not win ties (by use of this power) in the challenge .
If the power is established and subsequently challenged, the power is
considered already in effect and the user wins ties in the challenge.
This power works on animals, and does not have a dominate component.
This power lasts for one hour or scene (duration is subject to house
rules regarding duration of Majesty).
Date of Archival: 20-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 15XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Dominate 4
Presence 4
MET Mechanics:

Activation: On expenditures, Spend 2 Mental traits and anywhere from 0-3 willpower, Usable once per night and lasts for one hour/scene. Cannot be turned off in that time.

Effect: User gains the flaw Eerie Presence for mortals as even they can feel his aura from this power. The vampire who uses this gains ties in defense against mental and social challenges. Also he gains a bonus phantom trait for generation for each willpower spent with the activation of this power in challenges that check the generation of the vampire, as in dominate challenges or any others applicable.

Date of Archival: 17-Sep-2016
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 16XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Animalism 5
Presence 5
MET Mechanics:

MET Rules: This combination works defensively. The activation cost is 1 point of willpower and lasts the rest of the night. Any opponent who executes an action, social or mental (Disciplines and rituals) done against the user of the combination must perform a social statistical test. If the challenge is lost, the opponent is immediately affected by the effect of the animalism 3 discipline (quell the beast). In addition to this effect, the user's beast reveals the exact opponent that attacked him. The opponent will be forced to fall to his knees humiliating himself before the user of this combo if affected.

Date of Archival: 15-Jul-2021
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 8XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Presence 3
Vicissitude 5
MET Mechanics:

The Tzimisce developed this combination in pursuit of their mastery of blood itself.  The Fiends forces their blood to cover their body in a similar fashion to the art of Blood Form itself.  However, the vampires does not gain the properties of the normal blood form.  Rather it allows the Tzimisce to crafts a monstrous appearance out of blood to intimidate and frighten their foes.

System:  The character spends 3 Blood Traits to activate this power which lasts for a scene or an hour.  During that time the character gains the bonus Social Traits of Intense x2 and Threatening x2. This combination Discipline may not stack with the Obtenebration power Black Metamorphosis.

Date of Archival: 29-Nov-2023
Tzimisce, Tzimisce
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 20XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Auspex 3
Custom Discipline Requirements (Combination): Hand of the Master Artisan
MET Mechanics:

Premise: The Master Artisan knows more about the art of craft than almost anyone. They have learned to be so in tune with tools and their hands as to make miracles happen. When one looks at a gun they can learn a great deal about it. How well it has been cared for, it’s place of make and model, it’s wear and tear. But the practitioner of Awaken Iron can do far more. They can use Spirits Touch to truly speak to the weapon itself, and learn things they never would never otherwise be able to learn.

Mechanics: This power only works with firearms. Retests for this power are done with Crafts: Firearms (or related craft at ST discretion.) The user must spend 10 minutes in meditation where they methodically disassemble and reassemble the firearm while using extended Spirits Touch and commune with the weapon itself.

The user must declare the expenditure of 1-3 Mentals when they use this power. They then engage in a static mental challenge vs 7 Traits, retest with Crafts. Success reveals information about the weapon as below. Knowledge gained from the use of this power remains with the user for 24hrs.

1 Mentals: Physical Information Only, the character understands the weapons complete chemical composition, measurements, and design on an intimate level. If the character is possessing the appropriate abilities such as Metallurgy or Chemistry, they may glean more information than others.

2 Mentals: Historical Overview, when and where the gun was made, the face of its crafter, significant events in its existence. In the case of machine assembled or assembly line firearms, this information is incredibly sparse. The same information is related for modifications or non-magical enhancements that change the way the weapon looks or functions.

3 Mentals: Supernatural Understanding, the nature and scope of power of any enchantments, or magic that has been worked on this weapon. The Face of the person who laid those Magic’s or enchantments.

The face revealed is the face of the person at the time they last held this weapon in their hands. If they are using Mask of 1000, or similar powers of illusion, you may make a static mental challenge at a difficulty of 10 traits to try and see through the illusion, as the weapon remembers the person not their illusion. At the end of 24hrs, the knowledge gained is lost and the power must be used again to provide its benefits.

Date of Archival: 22-Apr-2019
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 14XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Valeren 5
Fortitude 5
Animalism 4
MET Mechanics:

Azrael's Benediction 

(Valeran 5, Fortitude 5, Animalism 4, Meditation 5) - 14 Exp

When provoked to make an Instinct test to Ride a Frenzy you may expend 1 Willpower.

While Azrael's Benediction is activated the user’s third eye opens wide it bleeds constantly while this power is in use and glows a bright angry red. This power cannot be learned by a Cainite using self control as there must be a strong connection between it user and their beast. 

This connection causes something to snap within the user temporarily as they willfully give a portion of themselves over to their beast to feed upon. This sacrifice allows them to become a ruthlessly effective in combat as it melds the user with their beast for the remainder scene.

While in this state you are unable to Frenzy or enter Rotschreck and you receive a free retest on any defense against any power that would effect your mind or emotions. 

Your clarity of purpose allows you to make vicious attacks with all forms of weaponry available to you, and any staking attempts you make need to only succeed in one simple test. 

Any purely offensive action taken against enemies is considered three traits higher for purposes of ties and overbidding. 

You are unable to initiate social challenges except for purposes of intimidation while active and are a clear breach of the silence of the blood. 

You also temporarily gain the Negative Traints Feral x3 and Violent x3 and lastly you are unable to use Valeran or Obeah for any other purposes until the scene ends.

Date of Archival: 16-Jan-2021
Salubri, Salubri
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
XP Cost: 3XP
Custom Discipline Requirements:
Discipline Name Discipline Level
Obfuscate 5
Quietus 4
MET Mechanics:

Allows a willing recipient to be tattooed, the subject can purge the tattoo from themselves at any point dealing 1 agg to themselves.

Date of Archival: 09-Oct-2018
Assamite, Assamite
Custom Content Category: Combination Discipline / Technique
Blood Magic Category: Assamite Sorcery - Dur-An-Ki
XP Cost: 8XP
MET Mechanics:

Baals Imbuement (8xp, Baals Brush, Crafts: Tattooing x5, and Lesser trigger)
A combination power of the blood developed by a student of tattooing and Ein Salerno. This combines the effects of Baals brush, which allows tattooing of Kindred, and the ability to store rituals. Unlike inscription this tattoo will stay, and the ritual will return the next night for the user.


Spend blood required to be mixed with the ink, (storyteller discretion), and one willpower to activate this combo. After its been activated the user may tattoo another Assamite (can only be used on Assamites) with a symbol of their choosing in regards to the ritual they are transcribing on them, for example a circle of protection on the tongue for deflection of wooden doom, a lion for Lionheart etc.. This Ritual has to have the target of self, or one other person so you cannot put Chill of the wind Saber in one or Paper flesh for examples.

The body can only store so much magical power in it, so each Assamite has as many 'slots' as half their Permanent Willpower. A Basic ritual takes 1 slot, an Intermediate takes 2 slots, and an Advanced takes 3 slots. So for example, an Assamite of the 8th generation with 12 Permanent Willpower could have one Advanced and three Basic Rituals tattooed on their flesh. If the Assamite wants to be tattooed with another ritual after all their slots are taken, they would have to expel one of the tattoos and suffer 1 unsoakable Aggravated damage as they push it out.

Rituals that only the crafter of the tattoos knows can be put into Ink, so there is no way of being given an inscription of something then tattooing it.

Date of Archival: 16-Sep-2020
