Custom Blood Magic: Ritual

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Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Abyssal Mysticism
XP Cost: 6XP
MET Mechanics:

The Mystic Meditates for 20 minutes and activates Shadow Play. The shadows writhe around and settle on the Mystic granting him/her the following traits: Intimidating, Intense, and Threatening. 

Date of Archival: 19-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

Ritual Name: Communicate with Bound Spirit
Ritual Level: Basic
Ritual Concept: This Ritual allows the caster to mentally communicate with an spirit inside an object, commonly a Fetish or otherwise possessed object.

By bonding some of the casters blood into an object they create a bond with it for a time, acting as a bridge to communicate with a bound or dormant spirit inside the object.

A ritually prepared object made of the same material as the majority of the object you seek to bond with must be used to cut the caster and the blood from the wound put on the object in question. Should the ritual complete correctly the blood will be absorbed into the target and a mental bond formed. The Ritual cannot compel the spirit to talk or be ended early leaving the caster at the whims of the spirits desire to converse for better or worse.

System: After successfully casting at the cost of 1 blood point and 1 willpower point the caster can mentally communicate with a spirit inside an object for 5 minutes plus 1 minute per mental trait spend on completion of casting - as long as caster stays within 10 feet of the object in question. The spirit inside is not compelled to give any answers but may be spoken with normally otherwise. No disciplines or powers can be used on the spirit through use of this Ritual. Once the ritual time runs out the blood absorbed by the object fades leaving no trace behind.

Rituals Limits: This Ritual does not allow you to command the spirit, even with Spirit Manipulation, or use other Disciplines and powers via the mental bond. Time Limit before the blood fades to prevent leaving a sympathetic bond behind. The spirit in question is not an the object so it would not be aware of its surroundings - thus cannot be used to similar utility as Wooden Tongues. I do not know if prerequisites are common for Rituals but I would suggestion Spirit Manipulation: Astral Cant to be able to converse with the spirit and not bypass the need for a Path to speak with spirits.

Date of Archival: 07-Jan-2019
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

Cainites sorcerers within the sabbat are often far distances apart and need a secure way to communicate.  You need only meditate for half an hour on an object that once belonged to another cainite you have a vinculum rating to.  Once you finish the ritual, you establish telepathic communication with your brother anywhere in the world.  This link lasts for 10 minutes.

Date of Archival: 18-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:
Description:  Through the force of body and mind, the practitioner is able to conceal a flaw with which he/she was gifted through death, giving a portion of one's self to the cleansing power of flame.
Casting:  Scrubbing a patch of skin raw, a young leech is applied to the skin and allowed to extract vitae corrupted by these flaws.  The leech is then placed in a mortar and macerated with a pestle.  The freshly ground leech is then mixed with tea tree oil.  The caster then anoints the severed flesh with the newly created tincture allowing the Kindred's flesh to slowly absorb it.  While the tincture gets absorbed, the flame is prepared in a brazier using charcoal derived from the roots of an Alder tree.  The rent, tincture-soaked flesh is then burned in the heart of the coals and the caster inhales the smoke as it chars and burns.
The practictioner takes a point of aggravated damage which can be somewhat mitigated through the discipline of Fortitude to a point of lethal damage.  However, that damage can be reduced further.
Note:  One casting suppresses one flaw and lasts until sunset the next night.  Further, this ritual only suppresses physical flaws and supernatural flaws up to a 4 pt. flaw. As always though, flaws removed should be thematically appropriate, removing short wouldn't allow you to grow, disfigured you would still be ugly, you suddenly wouldn't age with child, etc.  Further, this cannot cancel out Haunted.  And as always, ST Discretion should always be adhered to.
Date of Archival: 22-Apr-2017
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Natib Athirat
XP Cost: 3XP
MET Mechanics:

Consecrate the Garden (Basic - 2)


The Cult of Lilith teachings speak of cultivating both a physical and metamorphic garden. These “Gardens” are Temples to the religion of Lilith. The Hierophants use this ritual to consecrate a properly created temple to the Dark Mother. This is considered “Holy” ground to the members of the Cult of Lilith. “Gardens” may take many forms, from a literal Garden, to medieval torture chamber, to BDSM clubs. Gardens vary from Hierophant to Hierophant, thou all are holy. Members of the cult experience waves of ecstasy and pain from these gardens in attempts to reach further enlightenment. Cult members will receive strange visions and insight while at them and sacrificing to the “altar” of Lilith. The Gardens are the central gathering points for all Cult of Lilith members in a city. This ritual calls forth the dead Ancestors of the Lilin to come and bless the Temple as a new Garden.


System: Once the Hierophant has constructed the proper place for a “Garden” he must begin in a week long ritual. The Hierophant fasts for the whole week refusing to feed as he sacrifices and spills his blood upon the future garden. After this grueling week of prayer and sacrifice, the new “Garden” is created. Cult of Lilith members in a properly consecrated Garden, gain the following benefits:

  1. All Cult of Lilith Members are considered one trait up on all virtue tests while in the garden

  2. All Cult of Lilith Members are considered to have one extra level of Willpower while in the Garden.

  3. Cult of Lilith members that indulge in pain or pleasure while in the garden will receive visions from the Dark Mother (Storyteller runs these) and gains one free retest that may be used once in the next 24 hours on any challenge related to the visions received.


This ritual lasts one full year and requires the Hierophant to spend a permanent Willpower Trait at the time of casting. This ritae may be renewed each year upon the same spot, should a Hierophant wish it.

Date of Archival: 02-Mar-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Natib Athirat
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

Done when a group has come together, or a space is used by a group enough times to be consecrated.  The Ba’ham gather and invoke the spirit of Lilith with a chant and some candle lighting.  This rare peaceful ritual ends with the participants embracing and silently reflecting leaving the space alone to walk for as long as they feel the need.  The space (or group) once consecrated holds a sacred feel and with ten minutes together or in the space they regain a point of willpower as though they had used the Meditation ability.

Date of Archival: 02-Mar-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Akhu
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

Performing this ritual takes at least six hours during a stormy night. Durring the preperations the priest burns incense, chants, and inscribes mystic markings around the periphery of a room similar to a ward.  The markings must be at least one every ten feet, however they need not be large.Usually the markings are carved in stone or wood, but they can be drawn in the caster’s vitae.

Once the ritual is complete, the area within its bounds is consecrated to the working of Akhu. 

Consecration is permanent in the manner of wards.

An area consecrated for the working of Akhu provides the caster a retest on any challenge of blood magic rituals provided the caster is within the consecrated area with up to three re-tests per night.

The retest is subject to some limitations: 

1) The sorcerer must expend a social trait as with Awe. 

2) The ritual retest is the sorcerer’s last retest as with Might. 

3)  Any individual sorcerer can only have as many consecrated spaces as they have dots of Occult – if more than that are made, the oldest consecrated space vanishes.

Date of Archival: 20-Feb-2015
Followers of Set
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

All preparation and casting of the ritual must be done under the light of a full moon, by a thaumaturge that has the ability to cast Hermetic Sight. From start to finish, this ritual takes one hour to complete.

Material Components:

- 18 silver thorns

- 9 anise seeds

- 2 white moonstones

- 1 trait of the thaumaturge’s vitae

Additional Tools

- Silver bowl

- Seawater

- White marble mortar and pestle

The thaumaturge must collect eighteen silver thorns, and nine anise seeds, which will be placed into a white marble mortar, along with two white moonstones that have been soaking in seawater in a silver bowl for the past lunar cycle. The thaumaturge will prick their left thumb with one of the thorns and allow seven drops of their blood to fall into the mortar, coating the thorns, seeds, and moonstones. They must then take a white marble pestle and grind the items into a fine paste while chanting seven times in Latin “Let the unseen shadows be made clear.”

Upon successful completion of the ritual, the material components will have merged to form a fine, white paste with a silvery sheen, of sufficient quantity for three applications. It must immediately be transferred into air-tight silver containers to be stored. This paste will last until either the next full moon or until it is used, whichever comes first.

To use the paste, it must be applied to the eyelids of the individual wishing to see into the Umbra. It bestows Hermetic Sight as if the user had spent a mental trait to see not only Spirits in the immediate vicinity, but also into the Umbra itself. They are down two traits on all interactions with the Skinlands, as per that use of Hermetic Sight. Once exposed to air, the paste will last for one hour.

Date of Archival: 18-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Abyssal Mysticism
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:
Caste before Calling the Hungry Shade this allows the Mystic to consume part of the Shade that uses powers of the Abyss. The Mystic gains 5 Essence points that may be spent as blood but only for the purposes of activating Obtenbration. You may not spend more Essence in a Round than your Generational Blood expenditure limit. If you choose to spend both Essence and Blood in the same round you may not exceed your Generation Blood expediture limit by more than one. Example an 8th Gen may spend 3 blood in a round or 3 Essence but if using both may not spend more than 4 total (2 blood and 2 essence,or 1 blood and 3 essence).
Date of Archival: 19-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

Purpose of the Ritual:
Create a plant that has a specific natural element for its food, such as what will allow its
development and growth.
Knowledge Used for Creation:
● Knowledge of the Path of Advanced Green.
● Occult Level 5.
● Science Biology 4.
● Academics Agronomy 3.
● Medicine: General Practitioner 3.
● Sciences: Botany 3.
Necessary materials:
● Blood Seed.
● Fragment of the chosen material.
● Gardening tools. Necessarily the same ones used to make the Blood Seed.
● Water.
Choosing the Material:
A material is a composite of elements, choosing this element is the key to this ritual.
Understanding that the plant will only consume the chosen material is important. For
example, when choosing material from a concrete wall, the plant will consume only that
quality of concrete. In cases of organic materials, if the material derives from a body, by
example, it will consume that type of fabric. Supernatural substances cannot be used in this
Ritual Process:
Check that the Bloodseed is indeed in your dry land. From the beginning of the ritual until its
end the following mantra must be repeated; “Offero te ad nutriendum illum.” . With the tools,
open a deep hole in the center of the triskle, pour the chosen compound into it, close the
hole, add water until humidify the earth completely. Then place your hand over the mouth of
the vase, with the middle and ring finger (ring finger) together and the others apart, finish the
last mantra cycle, remove the hand and say “grow strong”.
In the cycle of one night the plant start its growth and will be ready to consume the
substance in this same period, initially it will consume relatively slowly, but if it develops
andAs the speed of consumption grows and the amplitude increases, therefore, it is
necessary to maintain care over the plant, pruning it regularly with the tools of the ritual,
otherwise it will resist, because if it is not cared for it can grow in proportions.

Date of Archival: 30-Aug-2023
