Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Vale do Itajaí, SC - Brazil, Fear of the Dark

Proposal Name Closing Datesort ascending Opening Date CM Vote
Bylaw Revision: Change to Coordinator Bylaws 3.C.ii.4 13-Mar-2008 12-Mar-2008 No vote submitted
R&U Change: Golconda 13-Mar-2008 13-Mar-2008 No vote submitted
Genre Proposal: Non-Sabbat Vampires and Ghouls with Vicissitude R&U Addition 04-Mar-2008 04-Mar-2008 No vote submitted
Genre Proposal: Addition of West Coast Kuei-jin R&U 04-Mar-2008 04-Mar-2008 No vote submitted
Administrative Proposal: Bylaw Addition: Cold Embraces, Section 2.D 03-Mar-2008 28-Feb-2008 No vote submitted
Genre Proposal: R&U Rarity Change, Rare Mages 27-Feb-2008 22-Feb-2008 No vote submitted
Governship of Manitoba Canada 26-Feb-2008 25-Feb-2008 No vote submitted
Bylaw Revision 5.B.1: Definition of Storyteller Crews for Transfer bylaw 19-Feb-2008 19-Feb-2008 No vote submitted
Administrative Proposal: Grandfathering Grace Period 13-Feb-2008 20-Feb-2008 No vote submitted
Addition of Cappadocians to the Very Rare Category 11-Feb-2008 18-Feb-2008 No vote submitted
