Sabbat Coordinator Election 2010

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Coordinator Elections (Full Term)
Opened: 15-Nov-2009 1:00AM EST
Closing: 22-Nov-2009 1:00AM EST

The Sabbat Coordinator application(s) are included below.

Feel free to discuss the elections and applications with your CM.

The options for your CM to vote in this Election will be:

* Ian K.
* Jerome Lamberth
* Melissa Hendrix
* Reject All Candidates
* Abstain

~ Jenn Louise Bahrs
OWbN Head Coordinator


name: Ian K.
home: New York - Kings of New York
job: Sabbat Coordinator

I don't remember them all, there were totally more than 5, though.
Jenn Bahrs, Head Coordinator


I've been playing everything from D&D to Steve Jackson's "Toon" since I was 10 years old. For the real losers - this includes "Amber" and "Zombies" but excludes Boffer Larps. For the sake of pertinance I include only my OWbN experience.

Founding Player of Westchester by Night 01.97
Former Narrator of Westchester by Night 03.97 - 06.98
Former Council Representative for Kings of New York 04.01 - 09.02
Former AST of Kings of New York 03.01 - 07.01
Former HST of Kings of New york 07.01 - 06.03
Sabbat SubCoord 11.01 - 11.03 & 11.06 - Present
Sabbat Coord 11.03 - 11.06
HST, KoNY 07.09 - Present
Have been playing in the Sabbat since 1997

My former PC, Jack A. Prufrock AKA Jack the Barber AKA Jack the Butcher AKA Jack the Toreador is on the Red List as well as being a Priscus in the Sabbat

Personal Statement:

From days of long ago, from forgotten regions of OWbN, comes a legend.
The legend of Ian: Defender of the Sword of Caine.
A mighty coordinator, loved by good, feared by evil.
As Ian's legend grew, genre settled across the organization.
In New York, a Genre Alliance was formed.
Together with the good LARPers of One World by Night, they maintained genre throughout the country...
...until a new horrible menace threatened the org. Ian was needed once more.

This is the result of the super force of OWbN players, STs, subcoordinators, and council members, specially trained and sent by the alliance to bring back Ian...

Defender of the Sword of Caine.

Ready to perform the Auctoritas!
Activate Esbat!
Vaulderie connected!
Sermon of Caine up!

Loyalists are go!


Form feet and legs!
Form arms and body!
And I'll form the head!


I'm not going to waste anyone's time talking about the Sabbat Genre and why I know it. I think my OWbN gaming experience speaks to that knowledge and there are plenty of STs, CMs, Coords, and players who can speak to it as well.

Instead, I'm going to discuss the job of a coordinator.

Having served as Sabbat SubCoord for a combined - what is it now, 6 years or something and Sabbat Coordinator for 3, I will say that the best advice I ever received about being a genre coordinator was from Loopy before I ran for Sabbat Coord the first time. She told me that the hardest thing about being a coordinator was that everyone expects you to be a shining beacon of unimpeachable genre - except for them. That is the difficulty in being a genre coord. After all this time, not to mention my years on staff at Kings of New York, I can assure you all that I don't play favorites.

Additionally, just so we're all clear, I do not believe that it is the job of a genre coordinator to tell stories or introduce plot.

That's a Storyteller's job.

The genre coordinator's job is neither to tell stories nor to tell storytellers which stories they may tell but rather to provide a guiding hand of firm kindness in influencing the manner in which those stories are told. Conversely, the storytellers must trust their coordinators to determine the ratio of firmness to kindness in conveying this information.

To put it another way, if George Lucas had access to a genre coordinator, Jar-Jar Binx would never have made it into the Phantom Menace.

Hail the motherfucking Sword of Caine.

The end.


This is my application to be added to the Sabbat Coord vote.

Support from:
Shadow of the Phoenix
Bradenton: Chaos & Entropy
Crusade of Ashes


I have been the HST of Shadow of the Phoenix (Phoenix, AZ Sabbat game)
since it's inception for almost 7 years now and I've been the Black
Hand subcoord for almost 3 years now. Some of my work has even been
used in the Giovanni genre packet (the Ghouls section). When not gaming
I am a former Quality Monitor for one of the top 3 banks in America
responsible for coaching, mentoring, and grading inbound and outbound
calls for the collections and customer service departments through their
small business lending unit.

I don't mind dealing with drama and usually have to deal with it on a
frequent enough basis that game-related drama doesn't phase me much. I
do tend to hold to my opinions and I generally don't waver from them I
am also not above correcting my stance if I was incorrect and/or had bad

I don't mind on focusing on certain aspects of Sabbat genre in order to
help people learn and understand it better. Unlike the Camarilla which a
new player can wing it fairly well if you understand a Kings Court type
of concept, the Sabbat genre is more complex than that up front in my
opinion. So it sometimes requires a great deal of patience and energy to
explain the various differences between what is -true- Sabbat and what
is propaganda being taken as actual Sabbat genre. Teaching people has
always been one of my passions. And while it can take some time to help
someone eventually get an understanding of, it is something I am already
doing in my own game.

Should I become the Sabbat coord then I would shelve my PCs and stick to
just NPCs for the duration of my time as a Coord.

Here are the things I'd like to work on if I became the Sabbat Coordinator:

1) Working on the Black Hand and trying to solidify their genre and try
to help educate players on what the Black Hand is and how they operate.
Especially Black Hand only operations.

2) Clearly defining the channels within the Sabbat team so everyone knows
whom to go to.

3) Work on making the internal Sabbat team more active and open and
responsive. Not only to other games but to each other as this has been an
area of opportunity expressed within our group.

4) Work with whomever becomes the Assamite coord and find some way to
re-add the Weeping Stone back into Black Hand as this is a vital part of
BH genre.

5) The Sabbat needs a ritual packet something fierce. This would be a
good chance for the games to add to the genre as the Sabbat plainly
indicates some ritae are tailored and self styled.

6) Re-work the Sabbat genre packet because it hasn't been updated since
2004. At least to make sure everything is still relevant.

7) I would like to try and work with the other coords and games which
have vital canon NPCs to the genre to come to some sort of compromise if
possible, so that these NPCs can be used again to help forward plot.

If there is anything else you'd like to see or have any feedback for me
please just let me know!


-Jerome Lamberth
HST Shadow of the Phoenix
Black Hand subcoord


Name: Melissa Hendrix
Email Address:
Home Chronicle: Winchester, VA “Sins in the Valley”
Position Sought: Sabbat Coordinator

OWbN/Gaming/Administrative BG
I can’t really remember what year I started gaming. I think I might
have been in jr high, which would have been 1986-1988. I started out
with the original Dungeons and Dragons system, and went from there to
AD&D 2nd Edition and then G.U.R.P.S. I was helping out a friend who
owned a comic book store in 1993, and so I was one of the first people
in my area to set eyes on White Wolf’s World of Darkness system. We
had an absolute blast playing tabletop in the comic book store. We
didn’t, at that time, have a local OWbN game close enough to Canton,
Ohio to play in. It wasn’t until several years and many many troupe
games later that I had the good fortune of moving to Maryland, where I
was strategically situated so that I could play in Baltimore, SMD,
NVA, Winchester, Philadelphia, DC, and the troupe game which became
Martinsburg by Night. I made a lot of awesome friends there whom I
shall never forget. Recently, I’ve moved to a small town about
halfway between Baltimore, MD and York, PA. We’re attempting to get a
Sabbat game off the ground here, but we’re in the very early stages
and I intend to turn that project over to the person who has offered
to ST for the game, so I do not foresee that project getting in the
way of any of the time I would spend taking care of Sabbat questions
and requests.

I have served as the Admin ST for several games in the Mid Atlantic,
including SMD, DC, and Winchester. I’ve also served as the CM for
Winchester. I’ve served on the Sabbat Team as a Sub Coordinator for
the Mid Atlantic area for a couple of years now.

Personal Statement:
First of all, I’m a firm believer in “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix
it.” I see no reason to go around making huge sweeping changes to a
genre which already stands out as the closest to the original material
within this org. We’re here first and foremost to have a good time,
and I think a lot of the time people have been losing sight of that.

Different games are going to have different dynamics, and will have
different needs as far as the Sabbat Team is concerned. Some will
want enormous NPC’s to use in plots, while others will want to make
their own smaller NPC’s and just have them around as quick fodder for
bored players who are looking for some combat. While you may
disagree with one or the other of those approaches on a personal
level, if you haven’t been to their game, you’re not going to
understand all of the reasons why they want to run things the way they

Any ST who wants more hands-on help can always email me, whether I am
elected or not, and I’ll see to it someone knowledgeable in their area
shows up and offers to lend a hand in person if I can. If not, then
I’ll talk to them over the phone, or via email, and get them the
answers that they need as quickly as possible.

My main goals, if I’m elected, over the next year will be:
1 – Answer any email sent to the Sabbat Coord’s office within 72 hours or less.
2 – Stay on top of situations, for instance if an ST emails asking for
someone to come out to his/her game and answer some questions, I’ll be
checking back with that ST right after their game to make sure they
were properly taken care of.
3 – Prop an updated Sabbat Genre Packet, which the entire Sabbat Team
will have a hand in creating.
4 – Update any other Sabbat packets that are needed throughout the year.
5 – Work with the other Coords and games to get them the resources
they need when they need them.

Support From:
Sins in the Valley
Capital Rage
Web Coordinator
City of Springs
Malkavian Coordinatorjordan Sneakersadidas NMD Human Race

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Ballot Options
Ian K
Jerome Lamberth
Melissa Hendrix
Reject All Candidates