Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Gimli, MB - Canada, Sang Nordique

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
Redundant Regulation Bylaw 20-Nov-2003 11-Nov-2003 Abstain
Rarity Change to Udja-Sen 27-Aug-2010 27-Aug-2010 Abstain
[Elections] Sabbat Coordinator Elections 2013 10-Mar-2013 02-Mar-2013 Adam Sartori
[Proposal][Bylaw Amendment] Restoring the discussion period for the HC Election 06-Nov-2014 30-Oct-2014 Add a Head Coordinator discussion period and begin elections on January 25th
[Proposal][Autopass][Wanga Packet] 14-Jun-2019 07-Jun-2019 Against
Status Granting Positions in Domains. 31-Oct-2011 24-Oct-2011 Against
[Proposal] Change to Character Bylaws, XP, Version 3.0 03-Apr-2021 27-Mar-2021 Against
[Proposal] Revision to Administrative Bylaw 4.B.v.1 26-Mar-2013 20-Mar-2013 Against
[OWBN-Council][PROPOSAL][Bylaw Revision] Setite Bylaw Changes 09-Dec-2023 02-Dec-2023 Against
[OWBN-Council] [PROPOSAL][EXCEPTION] OWBN Fundraiser 2.0 03-Nov-2023 27-Oct-2023 Against
