Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Brasília, DF - Brazil, Pacis Aeternae

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Datesort descending CM Vote
[Special Election] Salubri Coordinator 2023 01-May-2023 24-Apr-2023 No vote submitted
Special Election: Salubri Coordinator Run-Off 10-May-2023 02-May-2023 Blind vote in progress
Change to Character Bylaws: Morality Traits 31-May-2023 24-May-2023 No vote submitted
[AMENDMENT 1] [Bylaws] [Genre Packet] [AutoPass] Ladder of Heaven Packet 2023 and Bylaw Updates 31-May-2023 24-May-2023 No vote submitted
[OWBN-Council] [PROPOSAL][AUTO-PASS] Ravnos Lore 07-Jun-2023 07-Jun-2023 No vote submitted
[OWBN-Council] [PROPOSAL][AUTO-PASS] Kuei-Jin sect guide 07-Jun-2023 07-Jun-2023 No vote submitted
[Special Election] Assamite Coordinator 2023 15-Jun-2023 08-Jun-2023 Blind vote in progress
[Proposal][Bylaws][Autopass] Demon Office Bylaw Cleanup 17-Jun-2023 16-Jun-2023 No vote submitted
[Proposal] [Amendment 1] [Bylaws] [AutoPass] Defining Sects of Assamite Factions 24-Jun-2023 17-Jun-2023 Against
Lasombra Coordinator Special Election 04-Jul-2023 27-Jun-2023 Blind vote in progress
