[AMENDMENT 1] [Bylaws] [Genre Packet] [AutoPass] Ladder of Heaven Packet 2023 and Bylaw Updates
Open Votes
I, Chase Jelliffe, as Assamite Coordinator, hereby propose the Ladder of Heaven packet and the following changes to Character Bylaw 10.m.ix.10
Link to the packet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XVI3cpTLrmnAFdoQPYA4YcdiMBA-kBmm/view?u...
10.m.ix.10 From:
Non-Assamite Sorcerers with Assamite Sorcery/Dur-An-Ki - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Assamite
10.m.ix.10 To:
Non-Assamite Sorcerers with Assamite Sorcery/Dur-An-Ki - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Assamite
Successfully Achieving the Gate of Apotheosis or The Apex on The Ladder of Heaven - PC: Disallowed - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Assamite
Dur-An-Ki Practitioner gaining the mechanical benefits of dedicating to a Pantheon listed in the Ladder of Heaven packet - PC: Coordinator Notify - NPC: Unregulated - Coordinator: Assamite
No Ritual or Path Rarity may be adjusted except as noted in the Ladder of Heaven packet.
Practitioners dedicated to a custom Pantheon or multiple Pantheons use the standard Rarity for Paths and Rituals.
Pantheons listed in the Ladder of Heaven packet:
Egyptian Faith
Reasoning: This is a short packet to help Storytellers and Players alike have a better understanding of the Ladder of Heaven as information regarding it is spread through multiple books. This also gives benefits to dedicating to specific pantheons to encourage the religious aspects of Dur-An-Ki.
Legacy Exemption: Not applicable.
Amendment 1: Clarified bylaw changes. updated Approval/Notify/Disallow list in the packet accordingly.