Change to Character Bylaws: Morality Traits

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 24-May-2023 12:05AM EDT
Closing: 31-May-2023 12:05AM EDT

I, Adam Sartori, HST and CM for Kings of New York propose the following addition to the Character Bylaws:

3.d.ii.4. Morality Traits

This bylaw change will allow a storyteller to award Morality traits to a character for story and role-play.  Furthermore it will encourage players to risk violating their Moralities more frequently; as it should be a struggle.  This bylaw does not change if an ST still wants to charge experience points for Morality Traits.  It simply allows the option for a Storyteller to choose to remove and grant Morality traits to a character more often without that concern; if they desire to do that.  I believe this will help further a character’s story and roleplay with this more fluid option, and emphasize the Vampire the Masquerade TagLine “The Beast I am, Less the Beast I Become.”

This proposal will need a second.


Adam Sartori

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