Custom Merit

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Merit
XP Cost: 7XP
MET Mechanics:

Requirements: Angellis Ater, Dark Fate: Ascension to Decani, Merit: Favored of the Decani, Plague Breeding x6

You have pleased your Patron, of one of the Children, the one known as Namtaru: The Spreader of Plagues, The Mother of Suffering, Prince of the Festering Legion. She now gives you the honor of assimilating into herself, guiding you towards ascending to become one of her 36 Facets, a Decani. 

System: Once per Scene/Hour you may call upon Namtaru's power to aid your efforts. By doing so, you may choose one of the following effects to your Investments, Dark Thaumaturgy and Daimonion challenges, as well as any challenges which target or involve your nature as an Infernalist, Baali or Servant of Namtaru -

  • You gain Bomb & Ties for the scene/hour.
  • You gain a Free Retest on every challenge for the scene/hour.
  • You automatically succeed at your next challenge, as per Blood Mastery. If this is an opposed challenge, the target may still retest.
  • You double all effects of the next power, as per Vires Acquirit Eundo.
  • You may ignore all anti-demonic or anti-infernal powers (E.g. Blessed, Vincente de las Navas de Tolosa's Holy Shield, Ex Inferis, Rego Manes, etc.) for a number of actions equal to your Plague Breeding.

However, because your demonic patron has aided your efforts, for the next scene or hour you suffer from the Flaw Unholy Stain.
Notes: This merit replaces Favored of the Decani

Date of Archival: 31-May-2022
Custom Content Category: Merit
XP Cost: 7XP
MET Mechanics:

Requirements: Angellis Ater, Dark Fate: Ascension to Decani, Merit: Favored of the Decani, Plague Breeding x6

You have pleased your Patron, of one of the Children, the one known as Namtaru: The Spreader of Plagues, The Mother of Suffering, Prince of the Festering Legion. She now gives you the honor of assimilating into herself, guiding you towards ascending to become one of her 36 Facets, a Decani. 

System: Once per Scene/Hour you may call upon Namtaru's power to aid your efforts. By doing so, you may choose one of the following effects to your Investments, Dark Thaumaturgy and Daimonion challenges, as well as any challenges which target or involve your nature as an Infernalist, Baali or Servant of Namtaru -

  • You gain Bomb & Ties for the scene/hour.
  • You gain a Free Retest on every challenge for the scene/hour.
  • You automatically succeed at your next challenge, as per Blood Mastery. If this is an opposed challenge, the target may still retest.
  • You double all effects of the next power, as per Vires Acquirit Eundo.
  • You may ignore all anti-demonic or anti-infernal powers (E.g. Blessed, Vincente de las Navas de Tolosa's Holy Shield, Ex Inferis, Rego Manes, etc.) for a number of actions equal to your Plague Breeding.

However, because your demonic patron has aided your efforts, for the next scene or hour you suffer from the Flaw Unholy Stain.
Notes: This merit replaces Favored of the Decani

Date of Archival: 31-May-2022
Custom Content Category: Merit
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

This merit takes away the vampire's natural aura. When someone attempts to use Auspex: Aura Perception on the vampire, even if they're successful, the aura will not be able to be read. It will be as if the vampire has no aura at all. The only things that would show up on an aura read (if the person using Aura Perception checks) would be things like (but not limited to) the Assamite Warrior clan flaw of always having diablerie veins in their auras.

Date of Archival: 14-Dec-2019
Custom Content Category: Merit
XP Cost: 5XP
MET Mechanics:

This devoted follower of the spirit of Odin has been blessed with Odin's ability to perceive the future. This merit acts as a free retest for any lore chops that the blessed follower may engage in.

In addition, these merit serves as a final retest for any 3 botched/failed challenges. All 3 retests from this merit may be stacked into 1 challenge.

Once these 3 retests are used, they will only reset the next evening; though the lore retest will always remain so long as the follower has this merit.

Should this follower fall away from Odin, or disgrace him, his teachings, or his values; this merit will be removed with no option to purchase it back in the future. This is truly a once in a lifetime gift.

Date of Archival: 28-Jan-2021
Custom Content Category: Merit
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

This merit is a double edged sword. The possessor of oversized claws does one additional damage on claw attacks, and receives 2 bonus traits on these challenges. However, due to the size of their claws, they are 1 trait down on tasks of fine manipulation, and these claws cannot retract.

Date of Archival: 14-Dec-2019
Custom Content Category: Merit
XP Cost: 6XP
MET Mechanics:

Merit: Second Brother
Level 3 Merit (6xp)

This merit allows a vampire to have an additional number of influence levels equal to a second retainer rating. This may not be used in conjunction with the Paragon Merit, and does not include backgrounds like spirit slaves, spirit retainers, etc.

Date of Archival: 19-Mar-2024
Custom Content Category: Merit
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

"Welcome to the Salty Spitoon. How tough are you?"


Mechanics: All Brendan Thompson's PCs and NPCs auto lose challenges against concepts with this merit, and cannot fair escape from concepts with this merit,

Date of Archival: 10-Feb-2022
Custom Content Category: Merit
XP Cost: 5XP
MET Mechanics:

Touch of Anda: If a creature has tasted Chengis Blood he may share their seneses. They must be wth in 5 miles of him. If the creature is destroyed while his sense area away He is blinded for a hour. Simple taste last for one evening. If ghouled or bound last duration of the bond.

Date of Archival: 10-Nov-2018
Custom Content Category: Merit
XP Cost: 3XP
MET Mechanics:

Gain two named appearnce traits of the flesh crafters choosing. These traits may surpass generational limitations. 

This Vicissitude Modification may only be taken once. 


Date of Archival: 22-Sep-2021
