Custom Merit

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Merit
XP Cost: 7XP
MET Mechanics:

Requirements: Angellis Ater, Dark Fate: Ascension to Decani, Merit: Favored of the Decani, Plague Breeding x6

You have pleased your Patron, of one of the Children, the one known as Namtaru: The Spreader of Plagues, The Mother of Suffering, Prince of the Festering Legion. She now gives you the honor of assimilating into herself, guiding you towards ascending to become one of her 36 Facets, a Decani. 

System: Once per Scene/Hour you may call upon Namtaru's power to aid your efforts. By doing so, you may choose one of the following effects to your Investments, Dark Thaumaturgy and Daimonion challenges, as well as any challenges which target or involve your nature as an Infernalist, Baali or Servant of Namtaru -

  • You gain Bomb & Ties for the scene/hour.
  • You gain a Free Retest on every challenge for the scene/hour.
  • You automatically succeed at your next challenge, as per Blood Mastery. If this is an opposed challenge, the target may still retest.
  • You double all effects of the next power, as per Vires Acquirit Eundo.
  • You may ignore all anti-demonic or anti-infernal powers (E.g. Blessed, Vincente de las Navas de Tolosa's Holy Shield, Ex Inferis, Rego Manes, etc.) for a number of actions equal to your Plague Breeding.

However, because your demonic patron has aided your efforts, for the next scene or hour you suffer from the Flaw Unholy Stain.
Notes: This merit replaces Favored of the Decani

Date of Archival: 31-May-2022