Custom Merit

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Merit
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

This merit takes away the vampire's natural aura. When someone attempts to use Auspex: Aura Perception on the vampire, even if they're successful, the aura will not be able to be read. It will be as if the vampire has no aura at all. The only things that would show up on an aura read (if the person using Aura Perception checks) would be things like (but not limited to) the Assamite Warrior clan flaw of always having diablerie veins in their auras.

Date of Archival: 14-Dec-2019