Custom Merit
Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.
7-pt. Merit
Many vampires lack purpose in the Final Nights, struggling with the Beast within and with the hypocrisies without. Yet some, those rare few, find themselves drawn to a cause or a calling, and immerse themselves in it so completely that it consumes their entire being. For these exemplars, nothing can shake them from their course.
System: For the purposes of Willpower challenges where failure would cause them to not achieve a goal, or when defending against powers and effects that test against their Willpower total, the character gains +3 traits to bid. Against powers, effects and attacks that would pit an aggressor's Attribute against this character's Willpower, this character may substitute the same Attribute category instead regardless of what the power states.
7pt Merit
Prerequisite: Clan Ventrue Only, Five (5) Paragon Achievements, and Max Base Personal Influence.
While some Ventrue have attained the rank of Paragon within specific backgrounds or two, some have so excelled at the control of Mortal Society as to be considered an Apotheosis allowing them to see the interwoven patterns that tie all of mortal society together and how they interact with each other bringing the realization that there is not really a collection of individual spheres, but rather a grand tapestry where no action happens in an isolated bubble, even when we attempt to hide them. The complexity of the weaves that make up their influence actions have become so intricate and subtle as to virtually blend into the background noise that is the working of mortal societies.
System: Within Influence spheres in which the Ventrue holds a Paragon, they are considered to have an automatic 'Hide' and 'Watch' action equal to the level of the respective influence unless the Venture actively chooses to forgo any of the benefits. Additionally, if the Ventrue holds a Paragon in Fame, they are considered to have an additional level of Fame when exerting influence actions within their Paragon spheres of Influence.
Flowing from any kind of Martial arts to Brawling or Melee has been a difficult subject for many. Flowing from a practiced hands to instinctual movement can't be accomplished by many and those that do are surely monsters devoted to combat.
With this merit you may flow seamlessly from brawling and melee to martial arts allowing character to possess Brawl, Martial arts, and other combat abilities may seemless switch between any combat ability in the the same combat, despite rules stating otherwise, in challenges where the abilities would be applicable (brawl and hard style for punching, melee and martial arts weapon style for a katana, etc.).
The dedication combat radiates in their being to the point that non supernatural mortals are on edge around such an individual. Mostly mortals subconciously avoid this individual, if confronted a non-supernatural mortal may react by uncontrollably shaking, begging for their life, or crying at the site of the individual, etc. In game terms those with this merit reduce their influence pool by the combined total of Brawl, Melee, Martial arts styles and generally any combat ability they possess. After the influence pool is depleted it can extend to any background mortal in nature at ST discretion.
Flowing from any kind of Martial arts to Brawling or Melee has been a difficult subject for many. Flowing from a practiced hands to instinctual movement can't be accomplished by many and those that do are surely monsters devoted to combat.
With this merit you may flow seamlessly from brawling and melee to martial arts allowing character to possess Brawl, Martial arts, and other combat abilities may seemless switch between any combat ability in the the same combat, despite rules stating otherwise, in challenges where the abilities would be applicable (brawl and hard style for punching, melee and martial arts weapon style for a katana, etc.).
The dedication combat radiates in their being to the point that non supernatural mortals are on edge around such an individual. Mostly mortals subconciously avoid this individual, if confronted a non-supernatural mortal may react by uncontrollably shaking, begging for their life, or crying at the site of the individual, etc. In game terms those with this merit reduce their influence pool by the combined total of Brawl, Melee, Martial arts styles and generally any combat ability they possess. After the influence pool is depleted it can extend to any background mortal in nature at ST discretion.
Champion of the Spirits- 3pts
Narrative: Upon earning this merit, which itself reflects a truly positive spirit notoriety amongst the spirit/umbral community, the user gains a spirit mark somewhere upon their body (usually the chest, arms, or back) that gives off an ephemeral golden glow to spirit sight or entities looking upon the creature from within the umbra. This mark designates the bearer as a Champion of maintaining Balance and working towards the betterment of Spirit communities. If the bearer ever falls back on their promise to maintain Spirit Notoriety, gaining infamy instead, the mark may sour and turn black as befitting a fallen champion or scoundrel of the spirit world.
Mechanics: When purchasing this merit, you automatically gain Spirit Notoriety level 1 as a background at 0xp. While maintaining this merit, the bearer may purchase the Spirit Notoriety background on a 1-5 scale. This background, much like an influence, can be lost or have points reduced per the ST should the bearer take negative action towards spirits, the balance of the umbra, or similarly themed items. Lost notoriety must be earned back via RP and purchased back with XP. Each level of the back ground ( 1-2 Basic, 3-4 Intermediate, 5 Advanced) provides a +1, +2, or +3 bonus to all challenges the bearer finds themselves in that is contested against Spirits. If the bearer ever recedes to Spirit Notoriety 0 via their own actions or choices, this merit becomes a 2pt Flaw called Enmity of the Spirits, which marks the bearer as one who has failed their pledge and should be treater as a pariah or worse, until such time as they can redeem themselves and purchase the flaw off. Either way the Merit and background is lost and must be earned anew.
Merit You follow the Code of Chivalry, separate from your Path of Enlightenment, it guides your actions. This code is very personal, shaped by your own experiences. You gain one free retest whenever facing a Mental or Social situation that might cause you to violate your code, be it supernatural persuasion or possible frenzy. This merit is for Knights of Avalon characters only. It is meant to replace the Code of Honor merit therefore they do not stack together.
Supernatural Merit, Lasombra Only
You have given into the Abyss and listened to your Black Heart abyss Spirit to join with it. Your awareness of the realities of abyss grants a free retest on all Obtenebration powers and Obtenebration Combination Disciplines. Additionally, this merit doubles the benefits of the Oubliette Background, but may not reduce the cost of Abyss Mysticism Rituals below 1. This merit also permits you to move between Abyss and Skinlands through the expenditure of a Willpower point. You cannot be controlled as a normal spirit through use of Abyss Mysticism or Blood Magic, but should other vampires discover what you are, you can expect to be hunted mercilessly. You suffer the same weaknesses and have the same strengths as a vampire, but if viewed with a power such as Aura Perception (V20, p. 135) the aura appears as a double-exposure, with a wavering shadow, translucent humanoid shape merging in and out of yours.
This Merit is OWbN Custom and requires Lasombra Coordinator Approval
When shapeshifting innately or via the use of any form changing powers as a catalyst, you can choose instead to turn into an enormous half-creature, half-man monster. The exact form and appearance taken is left up to the player, at storyteller discretion. When using this form the player character gains five named physical traits, do aggravated damage with unarmed brawling attacks via the appendages of the Cryptid form chosen, this should be specified with a storyteller and notated in the character sheet notes. While in this form, player characters suffer a -2 penalty on all challenges where they are on the defence (Physical, Social or Mental). While you may retain access to disciplines that your form would allow the use of you are also down two Self-Control when it comes to frenzy challenges. This is considered a form changing power and cannot be combined with other form changing powers.
When shapeshifting innately or via the use of any form changing powers as a catalyst, you can choose instead to turn into an enormous half-creature, half-man monster. The exact form and appearance taken is left up to the player, at storyteller discretion. When using this form the player character gains five named physical traits, do aggravated damage with unarmed brawling attacks via the appendages of the Cryptid form chosen, this should be specified with a storyteller and notated in the character sheet notes. While in this form, player characters suffer a -2 penalty on all challenges where they are on the defence (Physical, Social or Mental). While you may retain access to disciplines that your form would allow the use of you are also down two Self-Control when it comes to frenzy challenges. This is considered a form changing power and cannot be combined with other form changing powers.
0/4 point Flaw
Though something in your formation into a new being went wrong and you are no longer able to see, Dominate and other such powers still reach you un-abated.
This Flaw is taken with the accompanying flaw Blind. So long as you can still perceive another person, whether through touch or an Alternate Sense, and they can see you clearly as well you are susceptible to Dominate and other similar powers that would normally require line of sight. Powers and such that would normally allow someone to Dominate you without eye contact function as normal. Though the user's focus must still be on you as though maintaining eye contact for the power. I.E. Eyes of the Serpent still require the other party to remain staring at you the same as normal.
This flaw cannot be bought off so long as the pc has the Blind flaw on the sheet. Dominion's Reach is a 0 point merit for Gargoyles as it simply prevents the loop-hole of being Blind getting rid of their clan flaw.