Custom Merit

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Merit
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

0/4 point Flaw
Though something in your formation into a new being went wrong and you are no longer able to see, Dominate and other such powers still reach you un-abated.

This Flaw is taken with the accompanying flaw Blind. So long as you can still perceive another person, whether through touch or an Alternate Sense, and they can see you clearly as well you are susceptible to Dominate and other similar powers that would normally require line of sight. Powers and such that would normally allow someone to Dominate you without eye contact function as normal. Though the user's focus must still be on you as though maintaining eye contact for the power. I.E. Eyes of the Serpent still require the other party to remain staring at you the same as normal.
This flaw cannot be bought off so long as the pc has the Blind flaw on the sheet. Dominion's Reach is a 0 point merit for Gargoyles as it simply prevents the loop-hole of being Blind getting rid of their clan flaw.

Date of Archival: 16-Jul-2023