Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Stockton, CA - USA, Stockton by Night

Proposal Name Closing Datesort descending Opening Date CM Vote
Revision of XP system 23-Feb-2002 14-Feb-2002 Against
Wording change Admin. Bylaw 1 04-Apr-2002 24-Mar-2002 For
Election for Historian Coordinator 14-Apr-2002 05-Apr-2002 Stefanie
Path of the Wyrm for OWbN/MET 17-Apr-2002 16-Apr-2002 For
Dues Restrictions 08-May-2002 23-Apr-2002 For
Election for Finance Coordinator 17-May-2002 20-May-2002 William
Right to Incorporation 05-Jul-2002 04-Jul-2002 Abstain
Giovanni Infiltrator Classification 09-Jul-2002 01-Jul-2002 No vote submitted
Definition of Boons for Status Packet 23-Jul-2002 22-Jul-2002 Against
Extra Status for Lasombra - Definition 23-Jul-2002 25-Jul-2002 No vote submitted
