Revision of XP system
Status message
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East of the River proposes that we take an official vote on whether OWbN, asan organization, feels the XP system needs to be revised. If the vote
reflects that the XP system is in need of revision, a new XP policy must be
implimented by OWbN within 6 months of the closure of this vote.
This will allow us to finally put this to rest and give us time to come up
with a solution if required.
D. Scott Stewart
Storyteller - East of the River OWbN chronicle
OWbN Council Member
YIM: Daibheid
ICQ #: 22927699
"Every death, even the cruelest, drowns in Nature's complete indifference.
We are the only ones who bestow a value on our lives." - Peter Weiss
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Let's just see who want's it done and who doesn't. I'm getting tired of all
the bitching. Sorry if that offends anyone, it's just my point of view.
HST Danse Macabre
Nike sneakersSneakers
Chronicle/Position | Voted for | Comment |
Saint Paul, MN - USA, Obsidian Towers | Against | |
Berkeley, CA - USA, Wasting the Dawn | For | While I'm of the opinion that this vote is going to fail, and I also believe that the proposal was very poorly written, I'm voting in the affirmative because I do believe that something needs to be done about the experience system. |
Stockton, CA - USA, Stockton by Night | Against | XP means as much as the PCs who earn it and the STs who let it get spent. |
Milwaukee, WI - USA, Nocturnal Rapture | Against | See cincy |
Tampa, FL - USA, Tampa Bay by Night | Against | After a discussion period with the T:UNC Staff, we feel that xp does not make a pc great, it is what the st's allow the pc's to carry. The problem is not with the XP, but how the st's allow them to spend it. |
Chicago, IL - USA, Dark Requiem | Against | Impossible to implement without causing serious and irreperable harm to the organization. If it aint broke, dont fix it. |
Fredericksburg, VA - USA, Caine's Chosen: Liberty in Death | For | The XP system as presented in LARP was not thought out for long running chronicles, and was never intended to be as high as 8xp/month. The current XP system presents a major disconnect between the system and the setting, when IC embracees can, within a ''scant'' 3 years of play, have 280 xp allocated on their sheet. This forces STs to make ludicrously powerful NPCs to reflect the fearsome nature of Elders. I agree there are *plenty* of other problems besides the XP system, but the XP system is still a problem. Yes, STs need to enforce XP expenditures better, but unless we want Article 1 getting constantly used as a shield against PCs who have STs that *don't* enforce expenditures, we should at least provide some better XP guidelines. |
Winona, MN - USA, Winona Dark Haven | Against | |
Norwalk, CT - USA, Rails of Revolution | Against | |
Cleveland, OH - USA, Carpe Noctum | For | The system is broken. We need to fix it. We can do it without a reset. Limiting travel XP to attendance would be one helpful band-aid. Adopting the Dark Epics scale would be the best option as it fits many of the criteria that people keep requiring, it is published material, it works like changing the costs but in reverse. We could tinker with the scale to fit OWBN a lot better, if people feel it is needed.Note that all characters should be converted to this with absolutlely no grandfathering. Regarding problems with having disciplines one day and not the next? Then have the whole universe shift a half step to the side and have it be a OWBN plot and use that to explain things, and use it as an excuse to do whatever house cleaning you desire. This would be just like when we converted to Third Ed. |
Cincinnati, OH - USA, Shadows of Cincinnati | Against | Without Discussion and teamwork before hand, Council cannot create a System that will not break down in time in only 6 Months. |
Columbus, OH - USA, Columbus in Darkness | For | |
Phoenix, AZ - USA, Secundus Surrectum | Against | |
Iowa City, IA - USA, L'Ange Noir | Against | This proposal is meaningless. If we do not come up with a system in 6 months what happens? Also the XP system is just fine, it's the ST's that are broken, irrisponsible and show no responsibility to the Network not the players. Cleveland - Plots are plots becasue they can be resolved otherwise it is just enviromental change. How do you propose that we figure out how much XP was earned by travel? I have PC in one game that are 3+ years old and I have records for less than a year. 3rd Ed conversion was a clusterfuck that caused problems across the orginzation and is still causing some problems. |
Northern Virginia, VA - USA, Night Falls | For | I'm in favor of a sliding scale system, however I also realize that xp revisions alone will not solve the problems of the group.Yes, the time frame is short. No there are no provisions of what to do if we can't agree. That's what happens when we do things half-assed. So let's take to opportunity to use this vote to set up a system that we can agree on. If it happens that the system doesn't change so be it, but lets at least try. |
Edwardsville, IL - USA, Caught in Eternal Twilight | For | I agree that this proposal is poorly worded. I also agree that the XP scale is not the only problem that vetts our organization. However, I do belive that an improvement to the current system can be found that would benefit the organization as a whole. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | Agree with Danse Macabre - the system is cracked. I don't think a reset will fix it though. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | Agree with Danse Macabre - the system is cracked. I don't think a reset will fix it though. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | Yes. In every way yes. XP is not the only problem, but it is possibly the biggest. And the only one that can be fixed through enforcement. The rest must be fixed through responsibility. Let's fix what we actually can fix, then work on the rest. And to the ST's out there, and I know they are out there, who fight against this to protest the ludicrous points they have in their PC's and Friends PC's I say you are the death of this organization. Play to roleplay, go grab a copy of Rifts to powerplay. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | Yes. In every way yes. XP is not the only problem, but it is possibly the biggest. And the only one that can be fixed through enforcement. The rest must be fixed through responsibility. Let's fix what we actually can fix, then work on the rest. And to the ST's out there, and I know they are out there, who fight against this to protest the ludicrous points they have in their PC's and Friends PC's I say you are the death of this organization. Play to roleplay, go grab a copy of Rifts to powerplay. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | I dont see XP as the problem. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | I dont see XP as the problem. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | The current xp system is cracked. This vote allows us to CLEARLY see who agree's/disagree's. If we agree? We can move onto how to fix the problem. If we disagree? Back to the drawing board and the endless circle of debate... |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | The current xp system is cracked. This vote allows us to CLEARLY see who agree's/disagree's. If we agree? We can move onto how to fix the problem. If we disagree? Back to the drawing board and the endless circle of debate... |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | Absolultely. The system needs to be revised. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | Absolultely. The system needs to be revised. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | XP is not the entire problem, merely a facet of it. More responsible STing can and hopefully will help us out, but that should not be our only course of action as an organization, as it is entirely voluntary, subjective, and with the steady rate of ST-turnover, wholly impermanent. I would support a lowering of the XP cap to 6 per month, or perhaps a graduated scale a la Dark Epics. While I would love it if we could retroactively apply this new system to every PC and NPC, I see that as unworkable on the large scale. Under no circumstances would I support a global reset. Like Wasting the Dawn, I note that this proposal is very poorly written and most likely doomed to fail. It also bears mention that it is NOT adequately serving as a poll of dissatisfaction with the current system, as many are (understandably) voting against it due to the unrealistic deadline. However, I will not pass up the opportunity to express my displeasure with the XP system as it stands (even when XP is spent responsibly!) |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | XP is not the entire problem, merely a facet of it. More responsible STing can and hopefully will help us out, but that should not be our only course of action as an organization, as it is entirely voluntary, subjective, and with the steady rate of ST-turnover, wholly impermanent. I would support a lowering of the XP cap to 6 per month, or perhaps a graduated scale a la Dark Epics. While I would love it if we could retroactively apply this new system to every PC and NPC, I see that as unworkable on the large scale. Under no circumstances would I support a global reset. Like Wasting the Dawn, I note that this proposal is very poorly written and most likely doomed to fail. It also bears mention that it is NOT adequately serving as a poll of dissatisfaction with the current system, as many are (understandably) voting against it due to the unrealistic deadline. However, I will not pass up the opportunity to express my displeasure with the XP system as it stands (even when XP is spent responsibly!) |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | While we don't feel that a reset is in order, we do agree that the current system greatly enables the ''class-envy'' problems of entry level PC's and long standing high xp characters. Further, it directly creates the necessity of ridiculously powerful NPC's to deal with these players.While a new xp system won't correct existing imbalances, it should, at least in theory, give the organization more room to make the improvements it needs. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | For | While we don't feel that a reset is in order, we do agree that the current system greatly enables the ''class-envy'' problems of entry level PC's and long standing high xp characters. Further, it directly creates the necessity of ridiculously powerful NPC's to deal with these players.While a new xp system won't correct existing imbalances, it should, at least in theory, give the organization more room to make the improvements it needs. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | XP okay. Our problems lie elsewhere. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | XP okay. Our problems lie elsewhere. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | The majority view of my Chronicle is that the system isnot broken, with a vocal minority of people who think it is. Thus, I am voting no. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | The majority view of my Chronicle is that the system isnot broken, with a vocal minority of people who think it is. Thus, I am voting no. |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against | |
Chronicle/Position Unknown | Against |