Council Voting History

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Council voting history for San Francisco, CA - USA, Always Comes Evening

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
Tremere 23-May-2001 21-May-2001 Not
Revision of R&U Bylaws: Mages 31-Dec-2003 22-Dec-2003 Option
Revote on the Path Compromise Proposal 08-Aug-2004 06-Aug-2004 Option
The Grandfather/Anti-grandfather claus 08-Aug-2004 12-Aug-2004 Option
Compromise Paths v. 1.2 22-Jul-2004 21-Jul-2004 Option
Change to automatic passing of genre and chronicle votes 25-May-2004 19-May-2004 Option
Bylaw Revision 8.a.2 & 8.a.8:Changeto Character Regulation Bylaws 22-Feb-2007 22-Feb-2007 Option
[POLL] Do Disciplinary Actions require a Second? 07-May-2024 23-Apr-2024 Option 1: Disciplinary Actions do not require a second.
Hosting List and Emails Financial Vote 02-Aug-2011 26-Jul-2011 Option 2
[PROPOSAL] Revision to Disciplinary Bylaw 6C 08-Apr-2014 01-Apr-2014 Option A
