San Francisco, CA - USA, Always Comes Evening
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Chronicle Info
Genre(s): Anarch, Camarilla, Giovanni, Kuei-Jin
Number of Players: 20-29 players
Premise: San Francisco is the oldest city continually held by the Camarilla on the West Coast. It has a long reputation for political stability and polite society, with an undercurrent of madness. This is the city of Leland Stanford and Emperor Norton, of the Gold Rush and the Tech Boom and the Summer of Love. This is the Golden Gate, shining city of the west. This is San Francisco.
Theme: Personal Drama
Mood: The game is less focused on combat, primarily player-driven, with more plots revolving around intrigue, investigation, and difficult personal choices.
Additional Information: Before game people are often in the Patriot House (formerly Holding Company) (Bar/Restaurant on the third level of Embarcadero 2)
Facebook Group:
Chronicle Email Lists:
Head Storyteller: Julian Ortega -
Assistant Storytellers:AST Name | AST Email |
Ken Shields | |
Council Member: Ken Shields -
This chronicle information form was last updated on 02-Dec-2024