Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Northern Virginia, VA - USA, Night Falls

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
Territorial Custodianship Claim for Anarch Coordinator [autopass] 28-Jan-2011 04-Feb-2011 No vote submitted
Archivist Report Section Changes and Updates 27-Dec-2014 20-Dec-2014 No vote submitted
Amendment to Coordinator bylaw 3.c.ii.3 17-Jan-2011 17-Jan-2011 No vote submitted
Demon coord as an elected position 17-Jan-2011 17-Jan-2011 No vote submitted
True Black Hand Members Clarifcation [autopass] 06-Jan-2011 13-Jan-2011 No vote submitted
Use of Onyx Path Material 05-Jan-2015 29-Dec-2014 No vote submitted
Poll: Should there be regulation of STs with PCs based in their own games? 12-Dec-2008 10-Dec-2008 No,
Tremere 23-May-2001 21-May-2001 Not
Imkhu 23-Apr-2001 21-Apr-2001 Not
Revote on the Path Compromise Proposal 08-Aug-2004 06-Aug-2004 Option
