[PROPOSAL] [AUTOPASS] Deregulation of Ventrue Houses
Open Votes
Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 20-Oct-2015 11:55PM EDT
Closing: 27-Oct-2015 11:55PM EDT
The Ventrue Coordinator is seeking to deregulate Ventrue Houses. I believe the mechanics provided in the OWbN genre materials are sufficient and that the Storytellers of the individual Chronicles can easily oversee House creation and maintenance with only minimal oversight and direction from the office of the Coordinator.
Ventrue Houses have existed in OWbN from well before I was Coordinator. In that time, there has only been one single PC House - one that a previous Ventrue Coordinator had approved - and that House has since had its PC-members inactive/dead/gone.
It is my belief that the level of restriction (in addition to the wealth of other Dignitas Recognitions possible) has simply dissuaded people from trying for the Coord Approval to begin a House. The Ventrue genre materials detail the method which PCs can follow to start Houses - it is an in-character process which should foster role-play and encourage characters to reach out to one another beyond the Chronicle-level.
The Ventrue Coordinator proposes a change to the OWbN Ventrue: Guide to Clan Prestige (Dignitas), pgs.13-14 which relaxes the entrance requirements on Ventrue Houses.
This proposal may be shared, off-Council.
As a genre proposal, this will auto-pass if not objected to within 7 days.
Changes are below, in RED:
Nominated by: Self, in addition to other one or two other Peers or Subordinates; Creation of a House CompactRecognized by: Two or Three Superiors; One Separate Superior per proposed Member of the HouseRequirements: Each member must hold 5+ Personal Sect Status; have Clan Prestige: Ventrue 3+Restrictions: Unsuitable for starting PCsCoordinator Approval RequiredTONominated by: Self, in addition to one or two other Ventrue; Creation of a House CompactRecognized by: Two or Three Superiors (one separate Superior per proposed Member of the House)Requirements: Each member must have Clan Prestige: Ventrue 1+ to joinRestrictions: Suitable for starting PCs
This change will additionally require a corresponding update in the OWbN R&U Bylaws, as follows:
3.G. ii.14. Ventrue Ranks, Societies, and Prestige
b. Ventrue Clan Prestige (Dignitas)
4. PCs or NPCs earning any of the following Dignitas Recognitions.
b. House (remove & re-order the subsequent items)
5. PCs starting with any of the following Dignitas Recognitions.
f. House (remove & re-order the subsequent items)
- Brian Orlando
Ventrue Coordinator
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