Council Voting History

Primary tabs

Council voting history for Edwardsville, IL - USA, Caught in Eternal Twilight

Proposal Name Closing Datesort ascending Opening Date CM Vote
Revision of R&U Bylaws: Mages 31-Dec-2003 22-Dec-2003 Option
Time of Judgement and OWBN 23-Dec-2003 18-Dec-2003 No vote submitted
Revision of Bylaws, Admininistrative Section 7 15-Dec-2003 09-Dec-2003 No vote submitted
2003 Election for Admissions Coordinator 08-Dec-2003 02-Dec-2003 Heather
2003 Election for AHC Coordinator 08-Dec-2003 02-Dec-2003 Jennifer
2003 Election for Assamite Coordinator 08-Dec-2003 02-Dec-2003 Dan
2003 Election for Brujah Coordinator 08-Dec-2003 02-Dec-2003 Trevor
2003 Election for Finance Coordinator 08-Dec-2003 02-Dec-2003 LeAmber
2003 Election for Gangrel Coordinator 08-Dec-2003 02-Dec-2003 Tom
2003 Election for Garou Coordinator 08-Dec-2003 02-Dec-2003 Abstain
