Clarksburg, WV - USA, Echoes of Silent Valleys

Primary tabs

Chronicle Info

Not Probationary
Not Satellite Chronicle

Genre(s): Anarch, Sabbat

Number of Players: 0-9 players

Premise: In the remote Appalachian Mountains, something ancient has awoken. The local Sabbat has been caught in a war for a world that was lost and a world that is not their own, against forces more sinister and more powerful than they. In the echoes of silent valleys, death and dreams intertwine beneath the stars.

Theme: The Rebuilding

Mood: Sabbat dealing with the aftereffects of an Underworld War, in a backdrop of extreme Technocratic oversight and wild undeveloped territory.

Our game is more problem solving and intrigue than it is in direct combat. Story supersedes rules when they conflict.

Information for Travellers: This is a Sabbat game; only Sabbat vampires please. Setites and Giovanni, in particular, are not liked by the local Sabbat. While we will use Discord as a means of advancing the story on occasion, this is not a DIscord game.

Website: No Website Listed

Chronicle Email Lists:

Head Storyteller: Jason Brandon -

Assistant Storytellers:
AST Name AST Email
Jed McCarthy
Will Hoge

Council Member: Sean Smith -

This chronicle information form was last updated on 17-Dec-2024

Game Sessions

1st Monday

Genre: Sabbat
Check-In Starts:
Game Start Time:
Game Date Notes: Wraith: Journey Into Dust plays before Sabbat

Game Site Information

Game Site Address:
Four Horsemen
9201 Mall Road
Morgantown , WV
United States
West Virginia US
Additional Notes:
As our game plays in a mall, please be cautious walking through the mall in costume.


Chronicle Resource Type Resource File
Setting Guide Microsoft Office document icon Kindred Spirits.doc
60 questions for 60 points Microsoft Office document icon 60 Q&A.doc
House Rules File Echoes of Silent Valleys Houserules.rtf