Council - Closed Votes

Closed Votes

E.g., 06/2024
E.g., 06/2024
Proposal Name Proposal Type Opened Closingsort ascending Votes
2004 Election for Gangrel Coordinator Coordinator Elections (Full Term) 23-Nov-2004 07-Dec-2004 1
2004 Election for Giovanni Coordinator Coordinator Elections (Full Term) 23-Nov-2004 07-Dec-2004 1
2004 Election for Lasombra Coordinator Coordinator Elections (Full Term) 28-Nov-2004 07-Dec-2004 1
2004 Election for Malkavian Coordinator Coordinator Elections (Full Term) 23-Nov-2004 07-Dec-2004 1
2004 Election for Nosferatu Coordinator Coordinator Elections (Full Term) 23-Nov-2004 07-Dec-2004 1
2004 Election for Sabbat Coordinator Coordinator Elections (Full Term) 23-Nov-2004 07-Dec-2004 1
2004 Election for Setite Coordinator Coordinator Elections (Full Term) 23-Nov-2004 07-Dec-2004 1
2004 Election for Toreador Coordinator Coordinator Elections (Full Term) 23-Nov-2004 07-Dec-2004 1
2004 Election for Tremere Coordinator Coordinator Elections (Full Term) 23-Nov-2004 07-Dec-2004 1
2004 Election for Tzimisce Coordinator Coordinator Elections (Full Term) 29-Nov-2004 07-Dec-2004 1
2004 Election for Ventrue Coordinator Coordinator Elections (Full Term) 23-Nov-2004 07-Dec-2004 1
Sabbat Status Packet Genre Packet 11-Nov-2004 11-Nov-2004 1
Addition of a Ravnos Subcoord Bylaw Revision 08-Nov-2004 08-Nov-2004 1
Removal of Probational Sect Flaw Bylaw Revision 27-Oct-2004 03-Nov-2004 1
Sabbat Status Packet Genre Packet 10-Nov-2004 03-Nov-2004 1
2004 Election for HC Coordinator Coordinator Elections (Full Term) 24-Oct-2004 01-Nov-2004 1
Glass Walkers Genre Packet Genre Packet 20-Oct-2004 28-Oct-2004 1
OWBN French Genre Packet Genre Packet 12-Oct-2004 20-Oct-2004 1
Shadow Lord Tribal Genre Packet Take 2 Genre Packet 04-Oct-2004 04-Oct-2004 1
Red Talon Tribal Genre Packet Genre Packet 26-Sep-2004 04-Oct-2004 1
Silent Strider Tribal Genre Packet Genre Packet 26-Sep-2004 04-Oct-2004 1
Bone Gnawer Tribal Packet Genre Packet 26-Sep-2004 27-Sep-2004 0
Child of Gaia Genre Packet Genre Packet 26-Sep-2004 27-Sep-2004 0
Fianna Tribal Genre Packet Genre Packet 26-Sep-2004 27-Sep-2004 0
Get of Fenris Tribal packet Genre Packet 26-Sep-2004 27-Sep-2004 0
