General Election 2024 - Lasombra Coordinator
Status message
Displaying output for plurality votingOpen Votes
Proposal Type: Coordinator Elections (Full Term)
Opened: 29-Feb-2024 12:00AM EST
Closing: 07-Mar-2024 12:00AM EST
These are your candidates for Lasombra Coordinator for the 2024-2026 term.
Estes são os seus candidatos a Coordenador Lasombra para o mandato 2024-2026.
Chuck Farmer -
Michael Woodin -
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Ballot Options Chuck Farmer
Michael Woodin
Reject All Candidates
92 out of 157 eligible voters cast their ballot
Chuck Farmer
66% (61 votes)
Michael Woodin
26% (24 votes)
8% (7 votes)
Reject All Candidates
1% (1 vote)
As per preference of the player base