Custom Sabbat Ritae

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Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Taken from the Catholic Rites of Exorcism, the Order of St. Blaise created this Ritus to combat the demonic who would possess others and take hosts. The ritus followers a similar method as the normal Catholic Rite, though the Preacher often substitutes God with Caine. Indeed, like the normal rite, it may take days or weeks to exorcise a demon. First the Priest needs to learn the name (though note, not necessarily the True Name) of the Demon who is possessing the individual. Once that is learned, the Priest performs the rite to banish the Demon. The Priest engages the Demon in a contested Willpower Challenge. The Priest needs to defeat the Demon in a number of challenges equal to the possessing Demon's Faith Score if it's a Fallen, or Gnosis Score if it is a Spirit Demon. The Priest may only perform one challenge a night, so most Exorcisms take several nights at the earliest. Should the priest win, the Demon is exorcised from its host and forced to either return to hell or find a new home. Should the priest lose, there is always the chance the Demon may take them over instead.

Date of Archival: 03-Apr-2016
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

The Sword of Caine is fanatic cult dedicated to Gehenna.  The priest performing this ritae for a member of the Sabbat must invoke the prophecies of the end time.  They must express the purpose of the Sabbat itself and its coming victory in the Sabbat against the antediluvians.  Those who listen to the priests words find themselves emboldened for a time and defy almost any odds against them.

System:  This ritae lasts for one night.  During that time, the character benefiting from this ritae may call upon it once a night to fully refresh their Mental or Social Traits they may have lost during the night.  They may only call upon this attribute refresh once per night and may not have this ritae cast on them more than once per night.

Date of Archival: 06-Jan-2023
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

System: Successful Rituals challenge allows each participant to add a bonus up to the Priest's Path Rating (STs discretion) on the Self Control/Instinct challenge to avoid Frenzy when consuming Garou blood immediately at the conclusion of the Ritae.  If the caster frenzies, all other participants are -1 trait to resist the frenzy.

Date of Archival: 31-Jan-2015
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Pick a building, pick a floor, jump off.  Who ever walks away from the highest floor wins.   For added fun, include bonus floors for landing on and taking out passers-by.  

Date of Archival: 18-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

The pack begins by selecting a port of harbor.  This may be literal port if they are playing on the water or it may be a parking lot if operating on land.  Next they designate a certain vehicle as the "ship".  The ship will typically be controlled by a mortal at the start of the game.  The object of the game is to be the cainite in the drivers seat when the ship arrives at port.  The pack then sets out on smaller vehicles, cars, jet skies, motorcycles, etc, and try to board and take the ship.  At first the pack must over take the operator of the ship but ultimately they must face off against each other to control the driver's seat.  The team variation of this game pits two packs (or teams within the pack) against each other.  Each team has its own port and the pack that gets the ship to their port first wins.   

Date of Archival: 18-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

The pack takes to the highway on motorcycles with the goal of corralling a target car "the bull" to a specific location.

Date of Archival: 18-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

New York was home to the third Sabbat Civil War and is infamously known for its covens fighting among each other for territory and resources in the city or political issues.  To avoid another all out war in the city; the clergy of New York developed this ritae.  Designed off the frame work of Monomacy; this ritae is performed under much the same rules and guidelines, but for entire packs rather than single Sabbat members.  A Priest of the Sabbat (A Pack priest, Bishop or Higher) who is not involved in the conflict must perform this ritae.  The start of which is brining all the packs involved in the conflict together for council to determine terms, weapons, place, and time.  Such uses of ritae often result in a large bloody conflicts in the hidden parts of New York, but when the battle is done; the issue is resolved without need for further bloodshed.

System:  This Ignoblis ritae functions almost identically to the Monomacy Ritae.  However, rather than a one on one fight, this ritae allows for a Pack on Pack conflict.  Indeed, even several packs may face off against other groups of packs under this ritae (as long the number of packs on both sides are the same.).  Those who participate under this ritae can suffer Final Death legally in the Sabbat as the same a Monomacy. The victorious pack (or packs) gain the territory and possessions of the defeated packs (or packs).  A member of the clergy uninvolved in the conflict must perform this ritae.

Date of Archival: 04-Apr-2023
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:
War changes and plans in these modern nights it is intrumental to be flexible in battle. This ritae allows the group using it to have that contingency and work more fluidly in the heat of battle. Allowing for improvisation of the initial planning.
Mechanics: When this ritae is cast those in the group who are a part of it do not lose all of thier tactics retests when improvising. Instead they are allowed up to 2 of the Tactics retest pool while deviating from the original plan. This deviation cannot happen more than twice.
Date of Archival: 26-Dec-2019
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

This ritae is designed to provide for both identification of one's exploits, review of a battle, and examination of both success and failure. This in theory combines principles of the Ritus of Thanksgiving, the focus of Training Day, and the process of After Action Reviews into a combined and guided examination of a battle itself.
System: The officiant provides a brief overview of the battle - merely the time and place - while the participants share the cup (this is not a vaulderie or a Sacrament of Caine, merely to infuse the ritus). The participants - both in the battle and those for review - then "walk the ground" in a vision as the battle is discussed and reviewed. During this review, participants can discuss and test other methods and actions with others acting in the stead of the actual opponents. All participants get to "control" and test/challenge actions and decisions to learn what went well, didn't, etc. Everyone gets to participate in re-enactment even if they weren't there. Consider it a 'combat sandbox' wherein the players can make adjustments and discuss outcomes. It is cooperative storytelling of a battle's after action review. All expenditures are returned upon completion of the ritae.

Custom contect created by PC Ian Kincaid

Date of Archival: 02-Dec-2020
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Prayer is a powerful way to focus faith into impressive manifestations of the divine. Especially numerous are prayers for protection against the malicious forces that surround us always. Adapting these prayers into Sabbat doctrine and calling upon Caine's strength to protect them in battle with the infernal, participants in the Hymn of Faith become capable of warding off evil. Though this Ritae is similar to the lost ritae which bestowed some faithful Sabbat with the Mark of Caine, its effects are far more narrow in scope and far more temporary. System: If performed successfully, those who participate in the Hymn of the Faithful receive the smallest measure of Faith in their purpose and in Caine for the remainder of the evening. They benefit from a single level of True Faith, which can only be employed against Demons and their servants. 

Such blessed may attempt to repel the infernal by brandishing a symbol of Caine or speaking passages from the Book of Nod, invoking his belief (“In the name of Caine, I command you to be gone,” etc.) and employing a Social Challenge. Success means the demon or minion must flee the area immediately. Failure means the creature must retreat a few feet and cower before taking action, and it still may not initiate any attacks during the next turn, although it may defend itself normally.

Date of Archival: 16-Oct-2018
