Custom Sabbat Ritae
Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.
This ritae is designed to provide for both identification of one's exploits, review of a battle, and examination of both success and failure. This in theory combines principles of the Ritus of Thanksgiving, the focus of Training Day, and the process of After Action Reviews into a combined and guided examination of a battle itself.
System: The officiant provides a brief overview of the battle - merely the time and place - while the participants share the cup (this is not a vaulderie or a Sacrament of Caine, merely to infuse the ritus). The participants - both in the battle and those for review - then "walk the ground" in a vision as the battle is discussed and reviewed. During this review, participants can discuss and test other methods and actions with others acting in the stead of the actual opponents. All participants get to "control" and test/challenge actions and decisions to learn what went well, didn't, etc. Everyone gets to participate in re-enactment even if they weren't there. Consider it a 'combat sandbox' wherein the players can make adjustments and discuss outcomes. It is cooperative storytelling of a battle's after action review. All expenditures are returned upon completion of the ritae.
Custom contect created by PC Ian Kincaid