Custom Sabbat Ritae
Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.
A hold over from an ancient Tzimisce tradition of vampiric political weddings, the Red wedding ritae is still practiced by some of the Sabbat who wish to either form a stronger bond among sect meets or even still for political reasons. The Ritae itself requires a mortal wedding. One of which the Sabbat invade. The gathered Cainites proceed to brutally murder and terrorize the mortal wedding and turning it into a blood affair. After which, the two cainites that wish to announce their bond to one another bath in the blood of the victims on the altar and solidify their “marriage”. This is by no means a actual marriage between vampires, it is a mockery of the mortal tradition perverted by the Sabbat to make a statement over mortal traditions and the Cainite blood is stronger then words.
System: Characters that have undergone a Red Wedding develop a special bond that lasts until the vampire reaches final death. When in the presence of the other character they have performed the Red Wedding with; the character is considered to have 1 additional temporary willpower trait that may go over generational maximums. If this trait is spent, is does not return for one month. This ritae does not stack with the Merits True Love or Loyalty.