Custom Path of Enlightenment

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Path of Enlightenment
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

The Code of the Biker

Virtues - Conviction/Self-Control

Diablerie - Allowable - Consuming the soul of your enemy is the ultimate respect. You have chosen to take their strength to add to your own and to continue their Journey. As your gain Honor, so do those within you.


Path Sins

1 - Breaking your Word to your superiors. Breaking a Sworn Oath. - Honor is your lifeblood. Protect it at all cost. Without our Word, we are nothing.

2 - Failing to answer a challenge to your Honor. Treating a Superior with Disrespect. - Never back away from a challenge. Honor must be Maintained, for it is our lifeblood.  Show Respect, but only if it is earned. A weak superior with No Honor deserves nothing. But if they are worthy, give them the respect they are due.

3 - Behaving Shamefully before your Peers. Showing weakness in front of inferiors. To the follower of the Code, Honor and Reputation are your lifeblood. Without Honor, we are nothing. Our Reputation is only as good as our Word. Followers of the Code must be strong enough to lead their followers or they will lose them.

4 - Treating an inferior as an equal. Breaking your Word to you Peer. - Advanced followers of the Code know that Trust is only earned by being Trustworthy. Thus if they give their Word, they will uphold it.  They also know that everyone has a place in the world, and should be treated by that station.

5 - Neglecting Your Duty. Treating a peer with Disrespect. Paragons of the Code earn their respect by acting in a respectful manner and treating others with the respect they are due. Paragons know their responsibilities are their lifeblood and those that fail often lose.

Date of Archival: 03-Jun-2018
Anarch Coordinator