Custom Path of Enlightenment

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Custom Content Category: Path of Enlightenment
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Path of the Dark Crusade


Nickname: Zealots


Basic Beliefs


This path was created by a follower of Nocturnal Redemption and a member of the Sabbat Inquisition. He found the Jesuit influence and reliance on Human Faith counter to truly controlling his beast but still understood his purpose placed upon him by the creator. He developed this path to find his true enlightenment, serve his Ordos and protect his sect. The beast claims the souls of the damned, by insidious rationalization, so their code of behavior must be so clear and defined, that such rationalization is impossible.



Self-Control, Conviction  


Hierarchy of Sins 


10- Placing self before Sect.

9-   Engaging in Political Behavior

8-   Placing religious beliefs before the sect

7-   Publicly challenging a member of the Bishopric(outside of a Trial)

6-   Placing one’s word above one’s duty.

5-   Suffering a heretic to live, showing mercy to the heretic.

4-   Publicly questioning a member of the Consisitory, An Inquisitor or the Regent or their edicts.

3-   Failing to observe High Holidays of the Sect.

2-   Actively working against the Sect.

1- Permitting or forced to be traditionally blood bound to another, giving up free will or signing of an infernal contract.


Ethics of the Path


This is primarily found in the Inquisition and rarely found outside the Ordos.


The path places the religion of the Sabbat above all, and followers put great faith in their holy leaders. As they expect commitment to the sect from themselves, they begin to expect it from others.


Dark Crusaders follow the clergy and seek to show unity with them. That said, they have little to no tolerance for those who abuse the ritae and position.


They seek to harness and use the Beast. They are to adapt to the undead state. Exist as a vampire. Do not lie to one’s self and be subservient to mortal laws or moral strictures.


Where the path of Caine sees the Beast as leading Caine to destroy Abel, this path views this as Caine executing his duty - an example of what all crusaders must do.


Live in peace among mortals whenever possible. But never forget that the undead are their betters and mortals are food.


Practitioners of this path are quick to scourge themselves when they see sins rise in themselves. However, unlike the Baharists, who find enlightenment through pain, the Dark Crusaders find enlightenment in the quiet after the pain - upon self-reflection. They view that Lilith has mislead her covens by telling them that they find enlightenment through pain. The best lie is the one that is closest to the truth. Conversely, after the healing, the Crusaders reflect on the battle. They find answers after the pain; not during it. 


Lilith, mother of demons, is viewed as the temptress, who sought to mislead Caine during his darkest hours: after he was exiled from the land of his family, when he was alone, cold, and hungry. The practice of scourging themselves is even sometimes seen as a test of faith as Lilith may be whispering to Crusaders through their pain and suffering. They bring themselves to the edge, to the flame, and pull themselves back. This is similar to the divine tide of Nocturnal Redemption.


Some of the followers feel that mercy is the mark of weakness.


Once Dark Crusaders fulfill their duty, they might find Redemption.

Date of Archival: 09-Aug-2017