Custom Path of Enlightenment

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Path of Enlightenment
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

The Path of the Alban Wheel(pointed wheel) is a divergence from the Road of Sin: Path of the Eightfold Wheel.  Those that follow this path have an aura of tranquility about them.  Unlike the Road of Sin, this path is Self Control and Conscience as willfully following the Gods should be a considered act rather than an instinctual one.



While this path does not preclude violence, it is one of introspection, self reflection, and willful decision.  The druids and priests of the old gods held the tribes together as teachers, healers, councilors, and judges. Followers of many Indo-European gods might find their way to this path, though Einjerjar might take umbrage if they come across those that follow it while revering the Norse gods.



Heirarchy of Sins against the Path of the Alban Wheel
Score Minimum Wrongdoing Rationale

10 Failing to spend time alone in the silence of nature

It is through nature that the gods are revealed to us.

9 Betraying a secret

The Druids teach us that we must be blind where secrets are concerned.

8 Failing to care for the sick and the weak

One cannot be strong without concern for others.

7 Letting pride come before justice

One must be strong toward the strong and weak toward the strengthless.

6 Failing to honor the spirits of nature

The spirits aid and guide us.

5 Failing to honor the gods

The gods created the world that sustains us.

4 Breaking a promise

A promise is a sacred bond.

3 Acting to upset the balance of nature

For the righteous must seek balance in all things

2 Damaging the image of the gods

One should strive always to honor the gods in thoughts and deed.

1 Failure to seek self-knowledge

Never permit self-deception to obscure knowledge of the self.

Date of Archival: 18-Jul-2016