Custom Blood Magic: Ritual

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Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Akhu
XP Cost: 6XP
MET Mechanics:

Long ago, upper and lower Egypt lived together in harmony.  In a spectacle of wonder, Set called forth his children to witness what would later be known as his final wonderwork and gift to his children.   As everything changed with the Silent Striders attacked.  Set, in his glory; maintained not only the effort of his work but also defended Egypt from the Silent Strider invasion.   Using their deaths and trapping their souls in the Du'at bonding it to Egypt to protect it.  Ultimately after many days and nights of battle and thousands dead, Set ended the invasion by the universal destruction of all who threatened Egypt.   When the dust settled and Egypt needed him most, Set was gone.   In his place, a great mystical Barrier stood preventing the Silent Striders from ever returning.   In 2017, the Silent Striders rallied a call for aid to lay Siege to Egypt once more.  Other Garou, as well as their mustered allies among Mages and Fae answered their call.   Their might eventually called to those long dead Ancestors bound in the Du'at to rise up as well.   The living and the dead throwing their lives at this great wonderwork endlessly until it could bear the weight no longer.   In the end, the living sacrifice their lives and the dead sacrificed their very souls but the deed was done and the barrier that separated the ancient tribe from their ancestral home was gone. 

Through dedicated research and effort a Lichter Priest walks an area meditating and reflecting on this and other ancient stories of Set and their great works, under the lightless night of the New Moon.   Marking the area with various Hieroglyphics with classic Egyptian tempera using their own blood as a thinning and bonding agent.  The Lichter Priest must spend a minimum of 1 blood point per "block" they enchant.  The Blessing lasts until the Lichter Priest is killed, or a Year and a Day; whichever comes first.   A "block" is used as it is a measurement that is unique and appropriate to each game the rituals may be used in, in which an ST may then add additional limits as appropriate for their chronicle's geography.

The Ritual "Echos of Du'at '' Calls upon the fragmented souls of the Du'at to call to those who escaped and draw them back to their proper home.   Any Silent Strider who sleeps more than 1 Hour inside the blessed area, finds that their mind is under siege by horrible nightmares (2pt Flaw).   These nightmares persist for as long as the Silent Strider continues to sleep within the blessed area.   As soon as the Silent Strider leaves, and sleeps at least 1 Hour outside the area, the nightmares fade, as does the flaw.

Alternatively, the Ritual "Draught of War" calls upon the seemingly endless wellspring of energy conjured on both sides of these ancient stories.  In which the Gnostic Energy of the Silent Striders is siphoned by the Du'at to claim what rightfully belongs to it.   Any Silent Strider which enters the protected area finds themselves unable to regenerate their own swells of Gnosis.   They may still call upon powers, spirits, and fetishes or talens to regain their Gnosis - they simply can not regain it naturally under their own power.   Should a Caern exist inside the protected area, the Caern is unaffected and the Silent Strider may regain gnosis at the Caern as normal.

While performed the same way, and an area may benefit from both rituals.  Each must be purchased  with experience points separately as advanced Akhu Rituals as well as cast as seperate challenges.

Date of Archival: 10-Feb-2021
Followers of Set