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Regional News: Mid Atlantic
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IC News by Chronicle
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Allentown, PA - USA, Steel Valley by Night
Alto Tietê, SP - Brazil, Sang Royal
Alto Tietê, SP - Brazil, Shadowthorn
Ann Arbor, MI - USA, Tower of Broken Glass
Annapolis, MD - USA, Vitae Aeternus
Aracaju, SE - Brazil, Reinos Místicos
Atlanta, GA - USA, Whispers of Atlanta
Baltimore, MD - USA, Dark Harbor
Bartow, FL - USA, Polk County Prophecies
Berkeley, CA - USA, Wasting the Dawn
Bloomington, IL - USA, Zephyr of Darkness
Boston, MA - USA, Reclaimed
Bradenton, FL - USA, Bahamas: Storms Over the Shores
Bradenton, FL - USA, Chaos & Entropy
Branson, MO - USA, Theater of Blood
Brasília, DF - Brazil, Caldas Novas
Brasília, DF - Brazil, Pacis Aeternae
Bridgeport, CT - USA, Bridgeport by Night: The Broken City
Cambridge, MA - USA, The Midnight Rose
Campinas, SP - Brazil, Império das Cinzas
Cape Cod, MA - USA, Rage Across the Cape
Cedar Rapids, IA - USA, Five Nights
Chicago, IL - USA, Blue Moon Rising
Chicago, IL - USA, Dark Dreams
Chicago, IL - USA, Dark Requiem
Chicago, IL - USA, New Moon Rising
Chicago, IL - USA, Prey to Predator
Chicago, IL - USA, Strange Crossroads
Chicago, IL - USA, The Chicago Underground
Cincinnati, OH - USA, Rage and Fury
Cincinnati, OH - USA, Shadows of Cincinnati
Clarksburg, WV - USA, Echoes of Silent Valleys
Clarksburg, WV - USA, Ziggurat's Intrigue
Cleveland, OH - USA, An Uncertain Destiny
Cleveland, OH - USA, An Uncertain Destiny (OLD 2015)
Cleveland, OH - USA, Carpe Noctum
Cleveland, OH - USA, Heartland Alliance
Columbus, OH - USA, Columbus in Darkness
Columbus, OH - USA, Wyld Prophets
Curitiba, PR - Brazil, Curitiba By Night
Dayton, OH - USA, Dying Embers
Decatur, IL - USA, Metropolis: People of Tomorrow
Decatur, IL - USA, The Chaos Within
Denver, CO - USA, Front Range Sabbat
Dois Vizinhos, PR - Brazil, The Kingdom by Night - Immortal Royalty
Dubuque, IA - USA, Kingdom of Ashes
Duluth, MN - USA, Thicker than Blood
Edwardsville, IL - USA, Caught in Eternal Twilight
Fargo, ND - USA, Amber Waves
Fargo, ND - USA, The Beast Within
Fargo, ND - USA, Within Shadow's Reach
Fort Myers, FL - USA, Midnight Siege
Fortaleza, CE - Brazil, Land of The Sun
Fredericksburg, VA - USA, Caine's Chosen: Liberty in Death
Gainesville, FL - USA, Won't Back Down
Gary, IN - USA, Shattered Souls
Gimli, MB - Canada, Sang Nordique
Grady, GA - USA, Whispers of Grady
Grafton, MA - USA, Dark Chronicles New Hampshire
Grafton, WV – USA, Journey Into Dust
Green Bay, WI - USA, Shattered Dreams
Griffin, GA - USA, Immortal Nights Theater
Griffin, GA - USA, Night Theatres Revolt
Griffin, GA - USA, Nights Theatre Cult
Guararema, SP - Brazil, Amazon By Night
Guttenburg, IA - USA, Descendants, Defiance, Domination
Halifax, Nova Scotia - Canada, Something Strange: Reavers of the North
Hartford, CT - USA, Dark Colony
Hartford, CT - USA, Dark Colony: New Haven - Bad Moon Rising
Hartford, CT - USA, Dogs of War
Indianapolis, IN - USA, Past is Prologue
João Pessoa, PB - Brazil, Eternal Shadows
Joinville, SC - Brazil, Danse Macabre
Kenosha, WI - USA, Memento Mori
Key West, FL - USA, Memories of Gaia
La Crosse, WI - USA, The Rivers Edge
La Crosse, WI - USA, Wet 'n Wyld
Lancaster, OH - USA, Mountains Dark Heart
Lancaster, OH - USA, Never Ending Nights
Lancaster, OH - USA, New River's Bastion
Lexington, KY - USA, Panders Playground
Lisbon, Lisbon - Portugal, Eternal Cursed Darkness
Londrina, PR - Brazil, Blood and Vendetta
Los Angeles, CA - USA, Dark Side of the Moon
Los Angeles, CA - USA, La Sangre De Los Angeles
Mackinac Island, Michigan - USA, Mackinac: Myth, Mystery, and Magic
Macon, GA - USA, Endless Nights
Macon, GA - USA, Stolen Hours
Madison, Wi - USA, Black Crusade
Maldonado - Uruguay, Maldonado by Night: Magus et Artifex
Maldonado - Uruguay, Montevidéu e Canelones
Marquette, MI - USA, Michigan Amenti Adventures
Marquette, MI - USA, Shattered Tears over Rural Michigan
Martinsburg, WV - USA, Martinsburg by Night
Milwaukee, WI - USA, Nocturnal Rapture
Minneapolis, MN - USA, Swift to Shed Blood
Montenegro, RS - Brazil, Vale do Caí A Corte Rubra
Mossoro, RN - Brazil, Mossoro by Night
Mt. Dora, FL - USA, Crystal River: Dark Reflections
Mt. Dora, FL - USA, Mutual Alliance
Mt. Dora, FL - USA, Volusia County: Emerald Crossroad
Nashville, IN - USA, Tea With Dragons
Natal, RN - Brazil, Legacy of Blood
New Rochelle, NY - USA, Seasons of Strange
New York City, NY - USA, Kings of New York
Northern Virginia, VA - USA, Night Falls
Norwalk, CT - USA, Rails of Revolution
Orland Park, IL - USA, Enigmas of Rage
Ouro Preto, MG - Brazil, Dying of the Light
Pelotas, RS - Brazil, The City of Shadows
Peoria, IL - USA, Shattered City of Darkness: Utopia Lost
Peoria, IL - USA, The Far Dawn
Peoria, IL - USA, The Shattered Mirror
Philadelphia, PA - USA, Honor in the Shadows
Phoenix, AZ - USA, Old Pueblo By Night
Phoenix, AZ - USA, Unchained Arizona
Phoenix, AZ - USA, Unchained Sabbat
Pittsburgh, PA - USA, Rivers Run Red
Plainfield, IL - USA, Obsidian Shadows
Portland, ME - USA, Blackened Veins
Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil, Solo Doentio
Providence, RI - USA, Hidden Flame
Providence, RI - USA, Soul of Ice
Providence, RI - USA, Tides of Power
Recife, PE - Brazil, Pernambuco by Night: Forever Haunted
Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil, City of Wonders
Rio Grande, RS - Brazil, Sobre a Areia Sempre Hostil
Rio Grande, RS - Brazil, Uruguaiana By Night – Susurros de la Oscuridad
Rockland, NY - USA, Under The Rock
Rohnert Park, CA - USA, Shadows Crossing
Sacramento, CA - USA, Sacramento By Night
Saint Paul, MN - USA, Obsidian Towers
Saint Paul, MN - USA, Truth or Consequences
Salvador, BA - Brazil, Madre de Deus - Midnight
Salvador, BA - Brazil, Veritas Salvatore
San Antonio, TX - USA, Libertatis Cunabula
San Antonio, TX - USA, The Price of Liberty
San Francisco, CA - USA, Always Comes Evening
San Juan, PR - USA,: Isla del Encanta
São Paulo, SP - Brazil, São Paulo by Night
Seattle, WA - USA, Emerald Rain
Sheboygan, WI - USA, Blood on the Lake
Springfield, IL - USA, Capitol City Cauldron
Springfield, IL - USA, Crossroads of Fate
Springfield, OH - USA, Ohio Knights Sabbat
St. Augustine, FL - USA, On Haunted Ground
St. Louis, MO - USA, Gateway of Dreams
St. Louis, MO - USA, Hidden Kingdom
St. Louis, MO - USA, Shadows of St. Louis
Stockton, CA - USA, Stockton by Night
Tampa, FL - USA, Orlando: Magic Kingdom
Tampa, FL - USA, Tampa Bay by Night
Twin Cities, MN, - USA, The Last Stand
Vale do Itajaí, SC - Brazil, Fear of the Dark
Vale do Paraíba, SP - Brazil, Vale Sangrento
Vitória, ES - Brazil, Blood and Darkness
Washington, DC - USA, Ever Changing Horizons
Washington, DC - USA, Shadows on the Horizon
Western New London, CT - USA, Winds in the West
Wichita, KS - USA, Rebellion in the Shadows
Winona, MN - USA, Winona Dark Haven
Worcester County, MA - USA, Quabbin
Worcester County, MA - USA, Something Wicked
IC Articles by State (U.S. Only)
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IC News by Region
Central and West Brazil
Great Lakes
Mid Atlantic
Mississippi Valley
New York and New England
Northeast Brazil
Northern California
Southeast Brazil
Southern Brazil
Southern CA and Southwest