Oppression, Manipulation of the Press, and a Declaration of Fearlessness

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(Headline of a local leftist rag, The Red Star)

“Freedom of the press, too, is a kind of beauty, which one must have loved to be able to defend. It is something which I love truly, whose existence I feel to be essential, to be necessary to me so that without it I cannot live at peace, or live a full life”  -Karl Marx

We, the publishers of the Red Star, wish to make it known to all the vast constituency of the proletariat, that we are under attack.  Following the publication of our most recent edition of the popular, populist column “Keeping Up With The ‘Plutes” featuring the hypocritical maneuverings of Josie Kennedy, we received notice that our website was subject to an attempted cyber attack, which our sysadmin was fortunately able to thwart.  Not long after, we received legal notice that falsely alleged that our article was libelous.  Who can say if these two events are connected?  Who can say how they will progress?  We can. 

We here at the Red Star are no strangers to the conniving and duplicitous tactics of the oppressors.  I want to make one thing very clear to all those that would silence the free press:  WE WILL NOT BE INTIMIDATED.  Do your worst, you bloated capitalist pigs, the proletariat is uniting and nothing will stop the inevitable march of history.

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