Eagle Magic offers a shop full of tricks

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For those in search of April Fools trickery, Eagle Magic in Burnsville has almost as many pranks and jokes as magic tricks: “snap snots” that can sail across the room, vintage cans stuffed with spring-loaded snakes, even itching powder and cigarette loads that explode.

“Things go bang, they smell bad, they shock, they snap,” said Larry Kahlow, the shop’s owner.

Finding the shop, tucked away in a commercial building on County Road 11, is a trick in itself. Eagle Magic moved from its downtown Minneapolis location seven years ago and is now marked only by a tiny sign. It maintains the same setup inside as its old downtown store — showcases crammed with pranks and jokes on one side, magic on the other, and plenty of room for the seller to demonstrate. The shop, in existence since 1899 — the oldest magic shop in the country, according to Kahlow — is part store, part museum of pranks, trickery and illusion.

What’s for sale in the crowded cabinet depends on Kahlow’s mood. “Some of it is [for sale], some of it isn’t,” he said. “I would just have to decide at that time.”

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