Mt. Dora, FL - USA, Crystal River: Dark Reflections

Primary tabs

Chronicle Info

Not Probationary
Satellite Chronicle
Parent Chronicle (If Satellite): Mt. Dora, FL - USA, Mutual Alliance

Genre(s): Anarch, Camarilla, Changeling, Changing Breeds, Mage, Other, Sabbat

Number of Players: 0-9 players

Premise: A city lost to time reappears. The Victorian Steampunk aesthetic lending a different view on the development the world could have taken. But a secret lies hidden within the city itself. And may point to the reason behind the sudden reappearance of a city... and it's Dark Reflection.

Theme: What lies beneath the dark reflection?

Mood: No props or decorations currently used, descriptions given by staff to set the tone.
This is a multi-genre game with staff having the final say in what genres will be playable.
Most everything mechanics wise comes from the books, any changes will be presented in the house rules.

Information for Travellers: This game uses Haller for all sheets. Visitors should send their sheets to Dark Reflections. If your game does not use Haller please send an email with sheet attached to and include your chronicles staff as well. CRDR's staff has final say in what will and will not be allowed to visit including genre's and items.


Chronicle Email Lists:

Head Storyteller: William Michaeli -

Assistant Storytellers:
AST Name AST Email
Jennifer Webb

Council Member: Aaron Gentry -

This chronicle information form was last updated on 02-Apr-2024

Game Site Information

Please contact the chronicle staff for the game site location.