Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Fargo, ND - USA, Amber Waves

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
[PROPOSAL] (AMMENDED) Adjusting standards for changing our Charter and Administrative Bylaws 06-Aug-2015 30-Jul-2015 No vote submitted
[Proposal] Archivist Bylaw Update 28-Jul-2015 21-Jul-2015 No vote submitted
Addition to Administrative Bylaw 2.A.i. 15-Jul-2015 14-Jul-2015 No vote submitted
Modifying the Preamble of the OWbN Bylaws, the Final Cut 22-Jul-2015 15-Jul-2015 No vote submitted
[Proposal] Removal of story/plot props from Council 11-Jul-2015 04-Jul-2015 No vote submitted
[Proposal] Bylaw Updates (Glass Ceiling and R&U) 27-Oct-2015 20-Oct-2015 No vote submitted
[PROPOSAL] [Second] Modifying the Preamble of the OWbN Bylaws for Online Play 02-Jul-2015 25-Jun-2015 No vote submitted
[Proposal][Autopass] R&U Bylaw modification to 3.G.1.i.e Blessed Merit 01-Jul-2015 24-Jun-2015 No vote submitted
Deregulation of Out-of-clan Temporis 1-4 19-Jun-2015 12-Jun-2015 No vote submitted
[Autopass] R&U Addition for Tryphosans and Ravenous 06-Jun-2015 04-Jun-2015 No vote submitted
