Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Duluth, MN - USA, Thicker than Blood

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
Changing Breeds Coordinator '11 22-Nov-2010 22-Nov-2010 *Abstain
2004 Election for Gangrel Coordinator 07-Dec-2004 23-Nov-2004 Abstain
Change to Character Regulation bylaw 7.A 03-May-2011 03-May-2011 Abstain
Tremere Secret Society - Brothers of Absinthe 16-Sep-2004 15-Sep-2004 Abstain
Tremere Secret Society - Children of thePyramid 16-Sep-2004 15-Sep-2004 Abstain
NPC Regents and Email Lists 12-Mar-2011 12-Mar-2011 Abstain
Camarilla Status Packet Revision (page 5, item 7) 15-Mar-2011 15-Mar-2011 Abstain
2007 Election for Brujah Coordinator 16-Dec-2007 02-Dec-2007 Abstain
Tremere Secret Society - Elites 16-Sep-2004 15-Sep-2004 Abstain
Tremere Secret Society - Guardians ofTradition 16-Sep-2004 15-Sep-2004 Abstain
