Cape Cod, MA - USA, Rage Across the Cape
Primary tabs
Chronicle Info
Not Probationary
Not Satellite Chronicle
Cape Cod
, MA
United States
Massachusetts US
Genre(s): Changing Breeds
Number of Players: 10-19 players
Additional Information: Game Locations: No physical location at present. This chronicle plays entirely online via Discord on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 12pm EST-1030pm EST.
Website: No Website Listed
Facebook Group:
Chronicle Email Lists:
Head Storyteller: Matthew Kamm -
Assistant Storytellers:AST Name | AST Email |
Patience Moberg | |
Council Member: Sebastien Freudeman -
This chronicle information form was last updated on 10-Feb-2025Game Sessions
2nd Saturday
Genre: Changing Breeds
Check-In Starts:
Game Start Time:
Game Date Notes: Game is generally held on the second Saturday of the month. A comprehensive schedule is posted at
Game Site Information
Game Site Address:
Camelot Cohousing
69 Village Ct
, MA
United States
See map: Google Maps
Massachusetts US
Additional Notes:
This is a shared space in a housing community. Game is held in the lower level of the common building.
NOTE: Game is being held on Discord only until further notice.