Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Allentown, PA - USA, Steel Valley by Night

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
Revision of Coordinator Bylaws Section 3: Financial Coordinator 31-Dec-2002 17-Dec-2002 No vote submitted
Ventrue Infiltrator Proposal 31-Oct-2002 23-Oct-2002 No vote submitted
R & U Procedure Genre Updates 10-Oct-2002 03-Oct-2002 No vote submitted
Setite Genre R&U Updates 21-Mar-2003 14-Mar-2003 No vote submitted
R&U Classification Changes 27-Apr-2003 19-Apr-2003 No vote submitted
Clarification of Camarillans on Paths 20-Oct-2003 13-Oct-2003 No vote submitted
New Tremere Thaumaturgy packet 13-Nov-2006 30-Oct-2006 No vote submitted
Poll: Should there be regulation of STs with PCs based in their own games? 12-Dec-2008 10-Dec-2008 No,
[Exploratory] Whether OWBN should investigate and potentially develop a plan to migrate to the new MET rules system 23-Aug-2014 16-Aug-2014 No, and place a 1 year moratorium on Council proposals involving migration to the BNS materials
[POLL] Do Disciplinary Actions require a Second? 07-May-2024 23-Apr-2024 Option 1: Disciplinary Actions do not require a second.
