Council - Closed Votes

Closed Votes

E.g., 09/2024
E.g., 09/2024
Proposal Name Proposal Type Opened Closing Votes
Stargazer Tribal Genre Packet Genre Packet 26-Sep-2004 27-Sep-2004 0
Tremere Secret Society - Eye of the Serpent Genre Packet 26-Sep-2004 27-Sep-2004 1
Tremere Secret Society - Astors Genre Packet 15-Sep-2004 16-Sep-2004 1
Tremere Secret Society - Brothers of Absinthe Genre Packet 15-Sep-2004 16-Sep-2004 1
Tremere Secret Society - Children of thePyramid Genre Packet 15-Sep-2004 16-Sep-2004 1
Tremere Secret Society - Elites Genre Packet 15-Sep-2004 16-Sep-2004 1
Tremere Secret Society - Guardians ofTradition Genre Packet 15-Sep-2004 16-Sep-2004 1
Tremere Secret Society - Quaesitori Genre Packet 15-Sep-2004 16-Sep-2004 1
Inner Circle Addition to the Bylaws Bylaw Revision 10-Sep-2004 10-Sep-2004 1
Modification of Red List Genre Standard Bylaw Revision 10-Sep-2004 10-Sep-2004 1
Move Archons to the Rare R&U category Bylaw Revision 09-Sep-2004 09-Sep-2004 1
Administrative Bylaw Revisions Bylaw Revision 24-Aug-2004 24-Aug-2004 1
Character Regulation Bylaw Revision Bylaw Revision 24-Aug-2004 24-Aug-2004 1
Coordinator Bylaw Revisions Bylaw Revision 24-Aug-2004 24-Aug-2004 1
The Grandfather/Anti-grandfather claus Bylaw Revision 12-Aug-2004 08-Aug-2004 1
Revote on the Path Compromise Proposal Bylaw Revision 06-Aug-2004 08-Aug-2004 1
Compromise Paths v. 1.2 Bylaw Revision 21-Jul-2004 22-Jul-2004 1
Salubri Antitribu Rarity Change Bylaw Revision 21-Jul-2004 22-Jul-2004 0
Tzimisce Koldun Rarity Change Bylaw Revision 21-Jul-2004 22-Jul-2004 0
Charter Merge Bylaw Revision 20-Jul-2004 20-Jul-2004 1
Creation of OWBN History Page Genre Packet 14-Jul-2004 13-Jul-2004 1
Path of Enlightenment R&U requirements Bylaw Revision 22-Jun-2004 30-Jun-2004 1
Character Sheet Review Bylaw Revision 21-Jun-2004 21-Jun-2004 1
New Coordinator positions Bylaw Revision 18-Jun-2004 17-Jun-2004 1
Revision to R&U and Historian CoordinatorPositions Bylaw Revision 18-Jun-2004 17-Jun-2004 1
